
And having too many women characters on the show would somehow be impractical and non commercial? eh…

Yeah, that's why I don't an issue with the trope - because they have one of the best characters on the show openly find it disgusting.

I actually have found the show to be of similar quality with or without Messina. The weak points remained the weak points, the strong points remain the strong points.

I've found quite a few successful professional men in their 30s who is completely financially illiterate and irresponsible as well tbqh. It's not about whether they're able to pay the bills or anything - they have the money, just that they're not good at managing it (and thus will eventually end up hiring someone to

Yes, because having too many woman characters on a show would destroy it?! What is this, 100 years ago?

Then there was no need to spend time there at all for the show. Just have it mentioned in passing. We didnt even need to have met any of the House Martell if the show never intended for any of its characters to become a player in the game. And that would have freed up precious time for the other plots.

IDK, I think the existence of Ariaand and the sons pursuing Dani made Dorne into a player in the game - without that, I kind of don't even see any reason for the show to waste time on any Dorne scenes anymore as they've already placed Dorne in this sort of 'hey we exist as a next door country but we're not actually

I prefered book stannis by a lot (no offense to the actor, he was fine, just that the show never did much to help establish Stannis so he comes across as far more of a stubborn dumb jerk); in the books, I can entirely understand where Stannis is coming from, he was a stickler for the rules but he was never stupid,

Yeah I still don't understand why the show never bothered to introduce Arianne, since she was the majority of what held my attention while reading the Dorne chapters in the books. She was the one given that role in the books - the pov person that you'll be interested in and thus care about this unfamiliar locale - and


For this show at least, we've seen that Phillip is KGB trained to get hard and have sex anytime he is required to, doesn't matter if he is turned on or not.

He wasn't facing the elevator, and there's no reason why he wouldn't have said something to Warren if he did see it open. Given the situation (and how all the interns acted about the code pink, which was mostly confusion), it seems even less likely he noticed a door open behind his back when Warren literally stared at

I cri, even though you know that because the americans is a good show, there's no way for nina to ever get out of it.

Then there was no reason for the cliffhanger to be there besides a false sense of "hey we're doing something huge and show changing and balls out but not really coz really it's just the perception that it is and when we come back we're going to pussy out". If you don't want to go there, then don't go almost there only

But that's the point. As writers, you don't give the audience what they want, you give them what they need. Worry about satisfying a good story, not satisfying the fandom.

oh it's definitely Jessa. When she wouldn't even really say anything to her, that's when the realization came that she's no longer a friend.

yeah, but for the show for that specific cliffhanger setup that makes very little sense really. For that cliffhanger to have any real impact, I feel like other than Rick, none of the others would matter much really (and I like the other mains like Daryl, etc). And considering how their group has functioned, totally

idk, maybe have some balls and tell a good story instead of worrying about fandom.

That's the problem there - I feel like if it's not Rick, then it's just super lame and stupid (and nonsensical - if Neegan is as effective as he should be, then there is no choice to begin with - you always take the leader out, if not everyone for no apparent reason). You can maybe argue that Carl potentially can take

idk April is entirely in the right in being super pissed at her, because Arizona was a shitty friend to her, but she wasn't April's doctor (because April refused her as one, which was why Arizona was so on her case in the first place) so she didnt' break any laws or antyhing.