
If defiance leaks, wouldn't that tank almost every candidate (Doyle was in on it, Mellie (doubly so since it's Mellie and her campaign manager Olivia), Susan by association to being Fitz's vp and pick, basically any republican candidate we haven't even met would have trouble winning because Fitz, Vargas by association

Lice - they're the pedophiles of the insect world

I'm not so much burned out by the relationship, but I am really burned out by all the religion stuff.

I'm curious if she'd share a scene with kelly bishop in the GG reboot :)

They barely did anything for her character, the actor is great and capable of far more than being a minor character just starting to make some small connections to the main cast and then being quickly killed before any of that could ripen into a fully fledged interesting character on the show. So, a waste. There was

what a fucking waste of Merritt Weaver.

I agree. Seems like the reason why she told Jackson in the first place was because April refused her help as a doctor. Still makes her a shitty friend, no doubt, but I didn't see any breach of patient confidentiality since April wasn't her patient.

I was definitely surprised by Thad's sudden and brutal end, and seems so out of left field for the show (tone and otherwise), but yeah, it's almost cute how it matches with the whole faux game of thrones theme in this episode - of course that's what happens.

I agree too. Morgan is too extreme (shades of Dale), whereas Carol can struggle with killing people, considers the weight of killing a person, but still do it quick and swiftly when the moment calls for it.

I thought that went in line with Carol acting all meek and pathetic - she's doing that whole meek and pathetic act so they won't find her a threat, and similarly telling them Maggie's preggers makes Maggie not much of a threat either. I feel like that group thinking they captured a meek woman and a pregnant woman

Oh awesome, I don't know why I thought it was a season finale for some reason (thought it was a season of 10), thanks for letting me know!

I <3 Diana. She really is a tough but totally fair and nice oerson, she even was concerned about Liza but took her to lunch and pushed her to go to the mixer and network. <3 I just really like they never demonized Diana in the show and in the second season gave her more screen time and more things to do.

I like how she did really think everyone was hotter with that song.

IKR Instead of telling her the truth, which is "hey I cheated and fell in love with someone else", he basically invalidates their entire relationship (even the 'good' times) and insults her with a "yo I was only with you because I thought you were the last woman on earth"

If they have Carol get killed I'm going to be really pissed.

Yeah. Even Bodie couldn't pull the trigger on Walt. Poot was the one who ended up doing it.

IDK, I always felt that Diana is generally quite fair - Liz IS her assistant, after all. Like, she's tough, she's not an easy going boss, but she doesn't really ask Liz to do anything above and beyond her job title.

Every now and then I'd watch a bunch of grey's episodes and considering the show is already 12 seasons in, it's still actually a very decent show. Yeah, sure, it's a soapy medical procedual drama, but to have done it for 12 years and counting and done it well, not having really faltered much through it all, even with

I continue to really like how they portray Diana - as a tough but entirely fair boss - she reminds LIza that she is still her assistant (which she is), but isn't so mean as to not give Liza time for a lunch break.

I was actually pretty disappointed in this movie. The characters were too thinly drawn and the female characters were pretty abysmal and basically sexist, which was especially disappointing given the weight of the cast with chow and chang and tang. The setting was dazzling and very specific and unsubtle in its