
Yeah, definitely, it's not a complaint, it's like another 'mystery' that feels like we'd find out in the future, as to why Amos is so loyal to Naomi.

Amos would probably just watch. IDK, he seems the type lolol.

I agree too. I think the show started off a bit more wobbly, but the last 4, 5 episodes or so have been really good and ending this season like that makes me really excited (and sad because the wait is so long) for next season.

Well, I guess I've seen it all, someone who actually loves the current stuart.

So…. Stuart being changed from not being a stereotypical nerd into a stereotypical nerd is now the actor's fault and not the writers?

Yeah, Original Stuart was actually great - a nerdy guy who loves all things nerdy who isn't socially awkward, which unbeknownest to the writers on this show, actually exists. For some reason they had to make him awkward as well even though he was totally a normal guy to begin with.

heh man jessicatown just writes itself!!

Well, I thought it made enough sense as to why Danny's so stubborn on wanting to have a parent stay home with Leo after his experience with his dad and all that, that just having Annette around as a grandmother isn't enough, given who Danny is as a person, but I agree that it is just weird how there are a lot of other

Yeah totally. I wanna know more about that rivalry between the two bookstore owners man. The way they zoomed into their disgruntled faces, lolol.

I'm just curious as to why their arguments still centered only around 1. whether Leo needs a stay at home parent in the first place and 2. that Mindy should stay at home and have more kids, but the only mention of Danny being the one to stay at home and take care of the kids was just that one quick remark a few

Yeah, so true.

Yeah, it definitely is the kind of fight you can see couples having. But I almost feel like the difficulties between Mindy and Danny runs deeper than simply wanting different things - because the crux of the issue is that Danny already has what Mindy wants - having a career and raising children. But Danny's wants is

Yeah, and besides the fact that Danny can cook, and raised his brother, and more domestic, just on economics alone, Danny has one job at the practice; Mindy has the same job at the practice, plus her very own fertility clinic practice. On money alone, Danny earns less, and thus Danny should be the stay at home dad, if

I am incredibly sad Kass is voted off. I feel like the early merge will be causing a lot of players I like to be voted off, and it's happening already.

<3 Kass

I don't think her idea of wanting to have girls around for a girls alliance down the line is inherently a bad idea, but the way she talked about it to Kimmi was so incredibly stupiid - she had no need to even mention 'girls alliance' at all, or to raise any suspicion of her having plans outside of sticking with her

I watched every episode of Community S6 on yahoo for sure, and I sure appreciated them having given community another season, but yeah, that's the extent of my interaction with yahoo screen - just watching those specific episodes (and related extras of said show).

I agree. The world has gone to shit anyway, you are pretty much going to get murdered by either a zombie or a human, so …. yeah, if there are smokes around, I'm going to enjoy smoking a few packs while I'm still alive and kicking - and without guilt too, seeing as everyone will be murdered by zombies or other humans

Why do they even want Fitz to remain as president? It's not like there's no one else who could possibly do what he does, especially when as a president, he's meh at best, and horrible at worst. And he on multiple occasions have stated that he doesn't even want to be president, he just wants to go and have babies with

I didn't even understand why Danny made his dick move to begin with - if he made stay at home dad look so easy, and that he enjoys it, then wouldn't the logical next step be Mindy going back to work full time while he stays with the baby - thus fulfilling his need to feel like the baby would have a less difficult