

Seeing that brought me back to when my friends hung out and did the same thing. I feel like anyone who had their childhood/teen years in the 90s have done exactly that at some point or another. :D

Totally with mindy in this argument - I mean, come on, you do not take away wifi from a mother who just came back from the hospital who's going to be spending all day taking care of a baby…and then tell her to stay in the house all day without failure.

This is the first recap I read that didn't mention the best part of the episode: Fishbach vs the branch. (Still rooting for Stephen of course, but LMAO)

My family did take vacations and didn't have any issues with taking them, but definitely in terms of the hidden room charges - extra occupancy, taking toiletries and any freebies or questionable freebies, no room service, lying about age, etc - those were definitely things we did as a family when I was young haha.

Sure, but the change that happens during the teens is when they go from swearing amongst their friends to openly and unapologetically swearing in front of the parents. I don't think that's a far fetched thing

Can't anyone help them shop around for netflix/amazon/etc to get the show?

Emmy reel here we come

Michael suddenly learning how to swear doesn't seem that far fetched - kids can change really really quickly - however how it coincides with Gloria and Sophia's arrangement is a bit much.

I was hoping Myles was going to write some of that time hump chronicles for us to peruse here. :D

One of my favorite scenes of this entire season still is when Taystee realized she has become the mom of their group.

Race plays a large role in the social cliques' in litchfield. Soso is similar to Piper in that she's seems relatively well off and educated, and so struggles to fit in with the rest of the inmates similarly to how Piper struggled; (both are annoying in terms of chatter, though Piper is more snooty and waspy whereas

Yeah, I was meaning the latter, where it's unlikely there was a third party there to take pics of them, and moments where neither of them would suddenly pop off to get their cellphones to take a selfie….

Seems perhaps a tad bit too quick in terms of how Josh came around to be entirely realistic, maybe? It seemed that the point of that video was showing the parts of her that she couldn't have shared with Josh because of the age like, like her prom pics and her family; but then really the video had more (and some of

This show is quickly becoming a darling of mine. All the things converging from past investigations into the bigger zombie question is so reminiscent of Veronica Mars I'm very excited to see how they're going to conclude this season. McIver has been rocking it really well, and I absolutely adored the choice to put

Yeah. Like if you have been pretending to be 26 when you're 40 for a while now, and your job is being assistant to a publicist, it seems slightly ridiculous Liza isn't a bit more aware of pop culture now and always wouldn't understand anything that is vaguely considered young?

While I'd love more on Diana in general (I like her character), I don't really see her as being written negatively or too cold or whatever in this episode, not so much that requires an explanation or a Diana's backstory. It seems pretty reasonable for any boss to be a bit peeved if their assistant is off spending time

Other than the gas leak season which doesn't count, I actually think the show has always been able to get a grip on Jeff/Annie. In the regular seasons, that has always been played up as an attraction thing - and because the group became so close to one another, there's an emotional bit in that attraction as well. But

I actually thought the kiss was well handled - Annie is grown up enough to be kissed by Jeff and not have it be a creepy thing (at least I didn't feel that way). These are two characters who have been attracted to each other (so the Troy thing would have made no sense at all, given Annie's attraction to Troy happened

I was worried it wouldn't be good, because they're doing paintball again, but it's a solid episode with a lot of nice laughs, and the paintball stuff didn't feel redundant, surprisingly. Continually enjoy Elroy's disdain of Britta, and I really think this season worked better than last incorporating the new people