
you can google it, look it up in a dictionary, wiki it., etc. Take your pick.

First, I didn't say Theon was unimportant. I said Sansa was just as important - and perhaps even more so - than Theon. Neither are minor characters.

I wasn't looking at it from a female/male perspective, only the characters and their importance in the story from the books. Sansa can be male and Theon female, and I'd make the same argument.

The problem with moving Sansa to Jeyne's story has always been whether or not Theon would swallow Sansa's agency for me, even more so than how rape plays on the show given its failures in the past. We already know from previous seasons that Theon gets probably more screentime than he really warrants (percentage wise

This was honestly kind of perfect. *tear*

Gemini Coven: the most useless coven of all time.

Sure, I just don't see LSH as being the straw that tips the camel's back, given the show isn't really in much of any danger when it comes to keeping people dead, and she isn't any more 'outside boundaries' than a number of things that has already happened on the show/in the books either. And LSH is enough of an

I think there are enough permanent deaths in the show that it isn't that big of a deal if they bring back one, especially one who is in such an altered form. It would be different if people came back to life all the time on the show, and that would cheapen what death means on the show, but it's only a few instances in

Yeah, but I feel like it's not the magic part that is important about LSH.

It makes sense now for Braavos to be a permanent fixture in the credits - it has taken the Wall's place where the music swells into the 'chorus' part of things, now that they've moved the Wall up to an earlier portion in the music as the cities featured tend to be outside of the King's landing side of the realm (and

I'm not ready for the show to end…D:

IDK… Leonard confessed to releive his own guilt rather than for her sake; so it was a confession much more for himself so he could feel better about himself - oh what a good guy I am, telling her this instead of lying about it - than for her (if he wanted her to know in the first place, then he would have said it ages

Aww, I was disappointed in this episode, especially given the episodes on yahoo are actually longer. The grift was so simple, and they had so much time to do so much more (in usual community style like previous grift type episodes), and because we know that they were able to do those extremely well in the past, this

I rather hope she'd do the 3 years and take all she can profesionally, and then leaves for a better job at a firm that isn't ridden with McCann creeps.

D: POOR FUCKING JOAN I'd like something terrible to happen to all of those guys.

I really enjoyed Brienne's story about why she was so loyal to Renly - It was love borne out of Renly having respect and being kind to Brienne when he didn't need to be, which is a really sweet notion and makes me think whether Renly as king could have actually worked better.

Who punches people out in a sucker punch unthreatening way for his own but also his ex wife's pride. Like he's still utterly Pete Campbell, but a better Pete Campbell. :D

it's also really sweet to have Lane back in a way as well…

Pete Campbell is my second favorite character of the show (Peggy being the first)! And he was so good in this episode too! :D His convos with Trudy, with Peggy, with Joan were all 'awwww' inducing and just really sweet, a sign that Pete has grown into a fine young man, even though his personality still remains mostly

SUBWAY! This episode was pretty awesome, thought all the plots worked really well, and I actually think they've done a better job integrating Frankie and Elroy this season than they did with Mike last year at this juncture of a season. Now I actually feel like the group's jiving pretty well.