
It's not anything to 'worry' about, I don't really care if they stay together or be apart - the strength of the show has never been the relationship between Penny and Leonard; but the show definitely has problems portraying Leonard and Penny as a good couple, or one for people to care about because of the lack of

Yes, the show has never done well with the Penny/Leonard pairing, and it's strange because they obviously seem to intend for that relationship to remain as it is.

I'm actually pretty ok with it - because I thought the show balanced it up pretty well. Out of most deaths on this show, we actually got a good chunk of time devoted to her POV, to what her death means to her and the people she cared about is a part of it. Like, the episode wasn't framed in such that it was all about

Well, all your examples are from the latest seasons. Much like the show, for me I feel that you've glossed over a lot of issues that they've had and how Leonard perceives Penny (and vice versa) that the show never really dealt with in an honest and real way - and for me, that matters. It might not for you, but it does

It feels like the relatability of the show rides more on how old you are than ethnicity - most media surrounding this show has been about race, but the bigger thing I feel ilike is that the show is set in the 90s, It's not that the show isn't relatable if you wren't born before '85 (things like wanting to fit in will

And you're ignoring the history and cherry picking later seasons to suit your argument.

So because my opinion is based on earlier seasons - which is still part of canon - it isn't valid? LOLOLOLOL The show did its damage enough in a huge chunk of the earlier seasons that I simply don't regard Leonard and Penny as a viable or interesting couple, and Leonard honestly a mediocre boyfriend at best. History

It brings me back to my own childhood around the same time. :)

But you basically have done the same thing - Leonard has displayed on multiple occasions through many many seasons that a big reason to why he favors Penny is because of her appearance. That doesn't fit with your interpretation, so you ignore it.

I don't really see that from the show, no. Leonard treats Penny better than her cheating exboyfriends, but only marginally so - not sure that's the golden standard here. And I don't think from watching the show that Leonard offers Penny an unconditional acceptance of who she is, warts and all.

This show made me cry! That was a terrific ending.

Hope we see Kapnek back before long!

Yeah, I really like Longoria in b99, hope she sticks around for longer

The way they made Dawn into the bad guy - and the person who killed the semi important person to the gang - left me feeling like this episode actually sided a bit with the rapey cops.

And so, the reason for all the bad writing of the relationiships between all these characters…. is simply bad writing, and not some intentional thing.

That's true too. I just add in Daryl too because I think their relationship is probably the strongest one in the show, and they work together so well - they can convey so much to each other just via looks and the show to their credit let those scenes be just subtle (I can't imagine this working as well with any other

I can watch Carol and Daryl all season. They really do have by far the strongest relationship in the show, and I agree - I just sort of wish that they wrote better and more natural dialogue during those philosophical moments between the two. Yeah, we get it, all the characters are all battling with the theme of this

How are they so stupid as to not confirm they actually have the documents they need to convict Rowan on their secret trial prior to arranging the attack on Rowan? Srsly, couldn't check to see if those are in fact some B613 documents instead of blank paper before arranging the attack on Rowan? Srsly, couldn't arrange

"Now I’m starting to wonder if it’s all intentional, if Murder is trying to say that love is little more than a game. Everyone lies. Everyone cheats. And it’s all in the name of self-preservation and power."

I liked that one intern and they killed her off.