
That's what I gathered from the episode. She's likely perfectly normally well off, just not uber rich like her bf.

The show needs new material if they want Fitz to not be the worst.

I kind of agree with the critic though. It's not that I dislike Rebecca because she's bad or doing bad things or anything - she's just a poorly written character. And while this show in general suffers from too many poorly written characters (so it isn't just Rebecca) - Wes, the guy who works for Annalise, the girl

"Seriously: “So when I say there’s hope, that means you call me every night?” “Unless you want me to come and tuck you in.” Gross."

"Eight seasons in, such an emotinal, honest, organic moment feels earned."

I guess that's better than if she died.

Why was Darryl so somber at the end there?

Considering how long it took for me to realize who Rebecca is in the show, yes, no one cares about Rebecca. And Wes by proximity is draggged down by whatever that will be relationship is supposed to be

IDK, it's two episodes in a row already out of 4 that they've aired. It's going to be a problem if it continues in this trend.

i really hope someone picks this up and continue these reviews

As much as I enjoy Romano, they are devoting far too much time on Hank, and Sarah has become just sort of background noise at best to the storyline of how Hank handles dating and family responsibilities and life while having aspergers.

I enjoyed the first 2 episodes of the show, but the last 2 left me feeling irked with the lazy traditional attitude towards women. Nothing to undercut the butt joke tag last week, nothing to undercut the entirely lopsided nature of this marriage where both have good jobs and yet the mom is left doing all the work (and

Fitz is still the worst.

<3 Carol

Glad I didn't write the show off from the bad reviews for the pilot - though I would have gave it a go anyway because I like Cho and the 2 Lady Ks. This episode was quite charming and pleasant, and I didn't even find the social media name dropping to be annoying like the first episode (which felt much more forced).

Yep, pretty much this. At least with Howard and Bernadette I actually see some kind of connection there between them, albeit a weak one, but Penny/Leonard never had that connection, they're basically the show's generic couple of 'hot girl/geeky 'nice' (I honestly don't think leonard is all that nice to Penny. She

Me too! I feel like the show hasn't done any since S1 or so.

Amy no doubt is way too good for Sheldon. That is the part that I exceptionally hate on this show, how they're trying to pretend it's this sweet if odd relationship but honestly it just consists of Sheldon being a super dick to Amy and then throwing her a teeny tiny bone every once in a while (as well as the show

I sort of agree in that the plot seems very tv cliche, but in the context of the show I felt like the emphasis was much more on the sex side of things than on race issues - how and why a lack of sexual intimacy in a marriage makes for a very poor one, and it's not just about the physical need to have sex but the

I would say Black Market is still by far the worst for me. Both Black Market and The Woman King suffers from being super generic typical tv show type stories, and if it could be worse, not even done well. But what makes Black Market the worst for me is that it is very out of character for Lee (whereas with the The