
Yeah. Part of it is definitely what Essie said, that it's just a roundabout way of stating how you've wronged him.


Hmm, looks wise I can sort of see, but I think Tyrol is way more tragic than O'Brien.


I've often thought that throughout the series, the most tragic characters by far are Boomer and The Chief (individually and as a couple).

Yeah I really love The Americans' credits. It fits perfectly with the show on top of being just very lovely credits to watch and listen to.

I always felt like the board game would give some things away if you never watched the show before (like Dee's character con like someone mentioned below, for example), did it for you?

No love for Gaius? D: To me, he is the most innately human character on the show, and I can't really think of another Gauis Baltar type character depicted as such in any other show.

to be fair, everyone was the worst in season 2, because season 2 was a bizarro season of fnl.

And it also splintered Tyrion and Jaime's relationship. They didn't leave each other with hugs.

Actually, having thought about it for a little longer, they really screwed the Tywin/Tyrion stuff. I can sort of understand why they were hesitant to introduce the whole Tysha (?) backstory for time or whatever, but without that, they really really oversimplified Tyrion's need for revenge. Tywin never loved Tyrion,

"The choral version of the theme song should have been goofy, but it, instead, gave me some goosebumps."

"Framed as it was, it made me think that there was a hide-a-key, so the quick cut to her smashing the lock was great."

That is pretty sick. I have no issues with how the battle was depicted - in fact it was spectacular and I thought better than Blackwater in terms of how everything looked.

"'but then the episode ended without Stannis showing up to save the day, so what the fuck? "

Hmm. That is very odd. I'm …kind of disappointed, actually, heh, no offense to Jon Snow. I guess it's because it's a battle episode, to echo season 2's blackwater? I guess the battle at the wall is important, and should be quite beautiful to watch, but that just seems so odd considering the huge thing that happens in

1. But that isn't what they've done for the past 3 seasons. Why the change now, and why only Eyrie having never appeared in the credits at all? It just seems very odd. Even last season's RW, they had the twin towers - and honestly, it's a show based on an already established book series - people who know what will

It's unfortunate because while I think he's doing good acting, I'm exasperated by the show's decision to sprinkle Theon's storyline throughout this season (and last) in the manner they did. I just don't think it really warrants that much screentime and that consistently (and perhaps would be more powerful and

I thought both would be in the 9th episode, since the show follows The Wire's structure where the penultimate episode is when shit goes down. And Tyrion killing Tywin is definitely important enough to be in the 9th episode - thematically it belongs in that 9th episode.

I feel like the Lady Stoneheart reveal will be in the last episode. I think it would actually work as a last shot of the season, even.