
I don't know. The difference is he is taking credit on Tony's move, 'oh look how I manipuated Tony into helping me", which hey, he should take some credit for, but when Kass flipped, it was entirely her 'delusional emotional' fault and poor Spencer, his game ruined by someone else's "terrible" move. Not because of

I don't like Spencer all that much anymore. When Tony's flip invariably helps him, it's all aces, but when Kass' flip invariably placed him at a bad spot, it's Kass' estrogen is making emotional non strategic moves.

Good Will Hunting came out in 1997. So, Cece's boyfriend was born in 1990/1989 but he's just 20?

That is like every rapist's argument. "Oh, she didn't really mean no, she totally wanted to have sex with me after I forcefully convinced her otherwise."

According to the rapist… it was entirely Jaime's account of what happened, and we've seen multiple times where a PoV character isn't completely reliable in the books.

In the books, the 'non rape' was pretty dubious anyway, and in hindsight the rape and basically betrayal of trust Cersei had in Jaime informs a lot about Cersei's future arc in book 4.

Hmm, I'm a little sad that the spoilers discussion portion of the review is so thin. It's understandable given time, but then it sort of takes a bit away from the point of having a separate experts review of Game of thrones in the first place, where such things are discussed. I rather wait a day to have this up, tbh.

CONES OF DUNSHIRE I want this to be on tabletop mans.


Yeah, it really felt like the presence of Bailey was going to be a longer arc for this season (seeing as it seems like an encouraging reversal of fortune for Jenna and Matty, who is now in a pretty random "I'm adopted!" storyline - is this going to be his version of Colin?) so I'll always wonder how the original

Yeah I actually like the roundtable format. But I like the previous format too. It's all good as long as the reviewers have interesting things to say about the episode and note what they thought were the motifs.

Shirley's new for this season, but even if you don't know her name, you would know Dawn's, because of all the jokes they made about Dawn/Don in the previous season.

I really loved Ted's nonchalant "you can have my office" to Pete, which is obviously so not the point. Ted's so checked out right now, it's pretty sad.

Yeah in the books I never thought about the possibility that Jaime could have been raping Cersei, but watching this episode does make one wonder just how inaccurrate Jaime's PoV could have been on the incident.

As dumb as the fact that no one thought it made no sense at all for Maya to kill Jerry was, just how much dumber is Harrison to voice his realization in front of Rowan for no reason at all?

I also felt a bit dumb not realizing that Don wrote Freddy's copy, but it made it quite satisfying. And it's kind of sweet that Peggy not knowing Don wrote it would of course find it marvelous and wanting to fight for it (but also changing a line in it like she would before).

I quite like that people are so mad at Kass for not just laying low and be a sitting duck like they expect of an 'older' female player. 'How dare you not play your role and help me win! You should be thankful I might be taking you to the final 3 where you will most certainly lose!' And then calling her crazy when she

That's what I mean though. It's like a good smart version of something that is still pretty accessible to a general audience. Seems like it should do well ratings wise, if Modern Family does well. I wouldn't consider Whitford 'niche' or Malin 'niche'.

I don't really understand the poor ratings for the show. It's not the best comedy out there, but it's very pleasant and amicable and seems like a good version of the current Modern Family. You'd think it would be a solid ratings show.

Are the Bryan Fuller episode walkthroughs still going on? I've been watching the show a few days later recently and as a result cannot find these on av club, and the search bar sucks. So I don't know whether it's because there hasn't been any Fuller walkthroughs or if I just can't locate them on this website.