
I also liked that he echoed Omar's "Every man has a code". :D

Russell and Mathews are dating?

Quitting being a lawyer is the first step to getting himself out of his jam and lowers the chances of him being found out, but still wouldn't Mike always have some glass ceiling of some sort, if he is aiming to become big and successful (and thus draw attention) in NY? His past secret is always going to be a

Yeah I'm a bit disappointed as well seeing as there are already so few female characters on the show after the temporary departure of Du Maurier, not to mention Beverley was one of the more interesting ones (and now her death will probably be relegated to being a motivation to Will to get Hannibal. It doesn't really

god damnit bryan fuller you killed beverley NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sigh.

This is going to sound incredibly weird, but I had a dream about watching next week's episode of Girls, there's even all these plot arcs with all the characters entirely that made sense …at the time. It was a really good episode though, haha.

I never thought about Gridlock having that smidgen of HItchHiker's Guide-ness, but that would explain why I remember really liking the episode as a whole.

When the show keeps bringing up the premise of the show, it just makes me dislike Mike even more than I already do. Yes, he's smart and is capable of the work, but he is putting not just himself at risk to go to jail, but everyone who is keeping his secret for what exactly? Because the only place he can practice law

Donna Noble! Definitely having watched season 4 and the story of Donna makes The Runaway Bride a much better episode than when I first saw it.

I hope they do work out a schedule for her, especially since it is obvious there is more story with the character and it's really fascinating to watch. I loved her scenes with Jack and with Will. So glad she slipped out before Hannibal got her.

just why
why is there an entourage movie

oooo, a whole season of breakdowns? Nice.

At least Dawson's Creek didn't think itself to be an edgy show of substance. So in that respect Dawson's Creek is way better than Californication.

As far as collateral damage goes , I think Martha might not be long for this world, if indeed Philip having to kill the innocent bystander is any indication.

This was like, crazy good. Just exceptionally funny and the characters have been built solidly enough that everything just worked in amazing and hilarious ways.

I kind of feel like in the last two episodes, the whole point of the show is that you can find someone else to spend the rest of your life with even though you lost your one big love (in Ted's case, they love someone else, and in the Mother's case, they died).
Which is pretty depressing, considering with the structure

Planet Trek!!!

If only the mysteries on Elementary weren't so shitty. The procedual part of the show is just too weak, even though I enjoy the other parts of the show immensely. I wouldn't say one is better than the other though, just that they're very different shows with the same literary character, with a show being stronger in

Me too! I wasn't devastated when it got cancelled, but Goon had potential and was improving enough (once the cast started gelling) that had they gotten a second season, it might have become a really good comedy.

Sadly, Stuart started out a pretty normal dude. Has an ok business with business, draws in his spare time and good enough to impress Penny and even asked her out in a normal fashion. He wasn't particularly awkward or had low self-esteem or mental health issues just because he's a comic book store guy, because that