
I loved all the screams when the quarter goes in. Maybe I'm juvenile too, but I laughed a lot in this episode. :D It feels pretty good to actually not feel nervous about the show doing a concept episode and wincing while watching it. It's actually good, funny, and clever! HAPPY!

I don't mind the inappropriateness of it, but I also wish the show wasn't a workplace comedy. The stuff with Mindy and her dates generally work; the guest star generally works and she usually has good chemistry with them; Danny as her best friend/co worker work as well; but everyone else - while they can have funny

i don't think the writers can blame showtime for that ending. There's a good bit of wiggle room between "you can't kill Dexter" and "lumberjack".

I would always remember the glee on the doctor's face when everybody lives.

Thanks for hanging out here and making the show! (and perhaps most of all, for having a character named McAlmond in your show ^.^)

I really liked that Jenna includes a quality of Sadie's she would like to be in her 'epilogue'. In general, I have really enjoyed the relationship between the two of them. It's so easy to paint either Sadie as a complete devil or to have them have an understanding and be friends, but what I always have liked is that

:c I'm so sad we won't get to see what happens in your season 4

ooooooooh, like a S2 redux, except now Jenna will be in Matty's spot, sorta?

I feel like Bailey is way more like a Jenna than Colin ever was a Matty. Though the chemistry between Matty and Bailey actually feels very Jenna/Jake, sort of in that casul friendly jokey way with a tinge of flirtiness.

I've found this show to be generally pleasant and likable if nothing too notable, but when Meg walked into the door and was confronted by the sign I had my first big lmao for the show. So kudos to that!

What? Lauren is leaving awkward? When did this happen? D:

ikr, what was I thinking searching 'the simpsons' when I should be clicking on Rob Lowe's face?

AVC, now with the most intuitive way to find the review you want to read! How dumb was I not to think the answer to finding The Simpsons is obviously through Rob Lowe's face?

No kidding. This is like some sick sad dream where the tv club became unusable. One of the strongest selling points of the av club - besides the writers who write the review - IS the ease of use of the website.(for e.g. I love Sepinwall, but when he first moved to hitfix, hitfix was difficult to navigate and it took a

Eccleston is my favorite doctor, so yay on this rewind review.

me too! She has been sort of unexpectedly impactful and interesting for me in the show! So happy she ends up being the secretary of Masters and Johnson since presumably that means more things to come for her.

I randomly watched an episode of this after not having watched for a few years, but I agree, please, more Roz please.

How is everyone reading the later scene between Du Maurier and Hannibal? I really liked how intense it was because we still don't really know how aware she is of his crimes - you can sort of read it both ways even after the fact that we know she knows Hannibal took care of that patient who attacked her.  Or maybe she