
"But on social media, many people condemned the victory." More than any one at the AV Club that's for sure - who never once had an article that addressed the allegations against him!!

Love how the AV Club linked the Daily Beast's article about Casey Affleck's allegations b/c they haven't given it any serious attention on this site (unlike Nate Parker, Allen, Trump, or Cosby). AV Club has been complicit in normalizing Casey Affleck's behavior focusing all of their attention on fawning over his

I get that you’re coming from a really genuine place w/ your questions but a lot of them I’ve already answered.

I want it to be talked about every time Casey Affleck is mentioned. I want to be able to come on to one of my favorite websites (AV Club) and feel like they support women who name their accusers like they did for Donald Trump's accusers, Nate Parker's accuser, and Bill Cosby's accusers. In 2016, abusers of all kinds

"In 2010, two women who worked on Affleck’s controversial documentary I’m Still Here filed lawsuits accusing him of sexual harassment. Producer Amanda White explained that Affleck physically intimidated her, encouraged other men to expose themselves to her in professional spaces, and sent abusive text messages after

I see y'all will never believe women especially when they accuse your white boy faves.

Yeah, b/c rehashing it now is completely crazy given that it's Oscar season and says nothing abt his character. Or the fact that AV Club did similar articles abt Trump and Nate Parker from incidents that happened several years ago.

So when is AV Club gonna have an article about the sexual harassment allegations against Casey Affleck????

Number one should be the entirety of the 1996 movie, Magic in the Mirror. I still have nightmares.

IF they even survive…

What they're doing with Clarke is nothing like with what happened with Finn.

Some notes:

Nothing I say is going to change your mind but…

Judging by my comment I seemed to think that the juxtaposition of A.A. Dowd's comment and his praise of Boyhood is gross.

I don't know if you meant to deliberately misunderstand me but I didn't say it couldn't be good. I said it has been glorified. Boyhood was a perfectly okay movie but not the modern-masterpiece-of-our-time-let's-read-yet-another-AV-Club-article-worshiping-it film people make it out to be.

"I sympathize with anyone frustrated by the lack of diversity in this year’s lineup." A.A. Dowd writes somehow believing that he isn't being condescending and then glorifies Boyhood, an indepth study about the never done before story of a white boy and his family.

I'm not saying that if you constantly belittle Kanye that you're racist but I'm not not saying that.

You - *Writes a trash post* *Keeps writing trash posts* *Then writes a farewell trash post but at the end reveals they're Latino*

I really don't want to argue about this but no - I was responding to the fact that people were pointing to there being no racism w/in the Academy b/c last year 12 Years a Slave won just like how people point to there being no racism w/in the country b/c a black man is the president.

What you posted was opinion not fact. You personally didn't like the movie which is perfectly fine. You also personally don't want to create movies about experiences from your culture which is completely fine.