
Seems to me like you've got a bad case of internalized racism. You're not like those other PoC who "dwell" on race. You're better! You don't see color. You're so evolved!!!! Congrats!!!

The Academy doesn't decide awards arbitrarliy. The fact that only 14 black performers have won an Academy Award isn't arbitrary. It's racism in the media reflecting a racist society. You can literally sit there forever and keep saying but we'll NEVER know for sure if the Academy is racist b/c yeah no one from the

As Roswulf said - even at it's most diverse which lbr isn't even all that diverse - the Oscars still is always mostly white men. So no this year is not an anomaly.

I'm sorry - I love myself so I can't respond to a comment that used the phrase "or that it involved ethnics".

I don't think that's what the article is saying at all. I think all the opinion pieces that are about to or already have come out about Selma being snubbed use it as yet another example about how PoC and women are underrepresentated in Hollywood. This is the whitest Oscars in years and that's the problem - it doesn't

I cannot believe I had to read this with my own two eyes. Just because two years the Academy allowed 12 Years and Kathryn Bigelow to win does not equal equality. Once again I repeat it's like saying racism is over b/c Obama is president.

Saying that we shouldn't get mad b/c 12 Years a Slave won last year is like saying racism is over b/c Barack Obama is president.

Really? I think the show has so far done a really bad job of it. Like yes we see that every time one of the people from the Ark thinks something about the Grounders they are proven wrong - but the problem is they don't learn from it, therefore they still retain their racist views and since we're basically offered no

I love how the comments turn into a Finn hating support group. SHOW pls fix Finn's characterization and by fix I mean kill off…

Yeah, Raven's response is probably the most believable.
They totally should have shown us what happened afterwards. I mean you don't just see 18 unarmed people murdered in cold blood and not be affected by it. Especially b/c the fact that Finn framed in it a way that he was doing it just for Clarke.
Hopefully next

No, yeah! You make a great point that is totally in character because the Ark is one fucked-up fascist soceity. But then I think to myself do the writer's understand why it makes sense? Like as intelligent tv watchers we're like oh yeah the Ark are the people who legit sent a bunch of kids to Earth to die (Abby and

This show is doing so many things right!!!! But the characters responses to what Finn did were so OOC. Bellamy would never try and justify the massacre with some brush off line about 'we're at war' and Clarke would never be interested in how he felt. Like lmao what happened to the Clarke and Bellamy that agreed to

Idk if it's just me but I don't think Finn's freakout is unfounded at all. Like he never actually believed in all that sanctimonious peace talks in the first place. His nickname is Spacewalker b/c he wasted a month full of oxygen. Then he barely says anything in the beginning when kids are dying. Then Wells dies which