Warren Betanko

Maybe I should make a movie about a white guy in his thirties who has ennui about all these movies about white guys in their thirties experiencing ennui. Script by Charlie Kaufman.

For some reason they cannot stop making movies about white men in their thirties experiencing same vague ennui about the loss of their youth. I'm their target audience and even I'm bored of these. I blame Zach Braff.

C'mon, I know they're getting old but let's not exaggerate.


You gotta admit, Strung Out Death Squad Leader would be a sick thrash metal band name.

I'm similarly offended by the Iron Maidens. My medieval ancestors were lippy anti-monarchists, and much blood was shed in the name of the King.

I'm pretty sure that 'raw wound' has been split open and forgotten by the many stupid things the American military has done since then. I'm not saying it shouldn't be a pressing thing on the public consciousness, I'm just saying that it isn't.

Is this really such an offensive band name though? Does it really represent Western imperialism? This is a bunch of college student wankery.

I can give you a lot of leeway in your opinions, but the idea the intention of the cab driver was ambiguous is just silly.

How can this movie have Ripley and be connected to the second but not directly involve the third? Ripley ended the second escaping, then went into stasis, then crash landed at the start of 3 and promptly died.

Well if he's passing it off as his own then that's a problem. There's something called moral copyright which protects the integrity of the work and can actually be used to combat just this sort of thing.

I'm not trying to be contrarian, but why is a bunch of people reading tax returns good writing?

Agreed, reboots of movies that were strongly appealing because of the actors and the time it was just don't work. Total Recall is a good example - it was just a pointless, paint by numbers action movie.

General: Plissken, the President has been kidnapped.
Bieber: Fuck Bill Clinton *spits*

This movie is classic 'head up your own ass' filmmaking (that's a real category and everything). It's just as pointless and irrelevant to the craft as a Hollywood romcom.

Given the large revenue loss from the leaked films, it would seem an insane stunt unless they thought box office sales for this movie would surpass lost revenue from other movies (none of which seem like the kind of movies that normally get pirated).

The funny thing about that philosophy is that it pretty much relies on some other state losing a bunch of business that heads to Kansas to open up their head office. Which theoretically should result in a massive game of musical chairs with everyone continuously scattering for the nearest tax haven. Some states aren't

I feel the same way about Rogers Arena in Vancouver. I'm not sure why I have some nostalgic attachment to GM, but I still want to call it the Garage.

I only really care about the news coverage when they're doing TMZ type stuff like covering Cory Feldman's party. Although there are Vice segments on Netflix that are very cool, such as their trip into North Korea over the Chinese border wherein they inexplicably shot camera footage even though that could have got them

Jian Ghomeshi would like you to stop counting.