Warren Betanko

Sorry eh, but I accidentally heard your whispering. Didn't mean to invade your privacy buddy, no offense taken I hope?

That's not really an answer to Bizarro's question.

I don't give a shit about football and even to me that all sounds suspicious as fuck. Sure he may be in his rights to not hand it over but when he orders it destroyed and lies about why he destroyed it, that doesn't exactly make him look squeaky clean.

Well you're not even trying now. You had some passable trolling at the outset but this, this just makes me embarrassed for you. Me is greater than you?? This isn't even trolling in the single A league, this is bloody t-ball.

Hold on a second here - you accuse him of making a strawman argument after repeated ad hominem attacks wherein you call him a libtard and hipster. Either you're against logical fallacies or you aren't.

Dowd is one of the few writers around here I like. As for Katie I'm still pissed she embedded a video from a porn site into an article.

It's such a weird fucking label to put on music. I'm 35 and when I was in my teens and early twenties I listened to all these guys and often raided my dad's cd collection and it never occurred to me that it was music for old people. Calling it dad rock implies there's something lame about the music of some of the best

What a hack Hughes is. Go make listicles for Buzzfeed you twerp.

I feel like we had one of them for a while. They are real shitheads about only having the front end or back end of series.

They've also had the first lord of the rings available forever but not the next two.

No, they ran out of money.

I'm so awake I don't even understand the joke.

The amount of intolerance in here is incredible. A name is not something you choose, it's something you're born with. You just know what your name is supposed to be, whether it's Kamryn, Erick or Alexzander.

I presume this season will be twelve episodes of Punisher and Daredevil talking dramatically with not much happening.

Coehlo is for people who find Hallmark cards too philosophically dense.

No fair ramming two puns into one comment. I hope your greed makes you feel sheepish.

The studios seem to be missing the point that these movies are so fondly remembered because of the synergy of the actors, directors, and even the time and place. Total Recall and Robocop were so soulless and lacking the passion a film needs (even a corny one) and this one will be too.

Get a room you two!

No, it really is a confusing and senseless interpretation.

This would be a great concept for the God of War series. Kratos could travel the world eviscerating ancient gods.