Warren Betanko

What's the actual punchline?

It doesn't bode well for the arts.

Eat some tomato soup and chill out. Maybe clean the house to relax.

Yeah, why couldn't Michael Bay sort of kind of follow anything from the original? I don't understand why he made up so many non-existent robot characters. Turning Beetle into mustang was actually not such a bad idea though.

Wouldn't it be funny if like four guys just started playing Quiddich right now?

The world is your candy store. Henry Rollins has a great bit about wishing he was bisexual, as every time he walked into a room he could just be like 'fuck ya!'

I was just suggesting you were downplaying it. The gay guys I know certainly don't limit themselves to sometimes. Did you know homophobia is really just jealousy about all the sex?

Yeah, 'sometimes'

He's just big boned. If only his bones would stop eating.

What's with keeping a written journal? They have computers now! You can hide files and password protect them.

This reminds me of the debate around the Toronto Maple Leafs.

So, uh, anyone know what's up with the cliff or why they're burning the house? I can't hear the commentary because I'm streaming the world cup and don't want to listen for ten minutes on the off chance they actually explain it.

A spinoff done right would be great. And by that I mean a spinoff with very little ruminating, pontificating, perseverating, or dramatic conversating.

I think a big problem with cutting out publishers is a loss of quality control and marketing. Unless someone is going to shell out $1k for a line edit or $5-$10k for a more thorough job it's going to be a lot of typos and raw materials.

Well damn it if every google hit for 'rich people conversations' doesn't come up with this stupid Gomez story now. How am I supposed to make small talk at the yacht club tomorrow? I'll be exposed for the redneck Powerball winner that I am!

Don't look now but I think we're rapping.

I initially assumed he was kidding, but reading his comment history I'm not sure sure.

"The entire movie is two hours of me in front of a brick wall doling out exposition. It cost $180 million."

I wonder if Aquaman will be directed by James Cameron and be the highest grossing film of all time.

I enjoyed both those movies while feeling really critical of them, it was a weird conflict. Literally every Tarantino movie is revenge porn, or contains critical plot elements around the issue of revenge. It's the same thing over and over, and I wonder if he's capable of writing a different kind of story.