Warren Betanko

So because you have absolutely nothing better to do with your life then watch all your favorite shows exactly when they air the rest of us should suffer?

How did Chevy chase not make the list? Granted they killed him off after he left the show but it was for the reason that he left.

How about you tell me your favorite shows and I'll be sure to text you spoilers as soon as the episodes are over?

I would have responded by advising his mother.

It was also available on the PS3 store.

I literally played that online about 4 days ago and was blown away by how hard is was and it's amazing I could master it as a child. I feel that way about a lot of NES games. I must have had some kind of temporary childhood autism to have been able to beat Mike Tyson's Punch Out.

You never thought he'd be a junkie because heroin is so passé?

Unfortunately history shows he has 8 more years before he makes the 27 club.

Where exactly is he getting these tattoos? Discarded ink and needles lying around the sewers?

I find it incredible that he's now been nominated for two oscars but I guess he picks his roles well and throws himself into them.

The 12 year is good, and isn't even comparable to the regular stuff. I did a taste test once as they had a sampler of the regular on the 12 and it's shocking how the good stuff is smooth and the other stuff is like gasoline.

Canadian whiskey is good stuff and I'm not just saying that because I'm Canadian. An aged, 12 year rye is just as smooth as a 12 year scotch and the quality stuff does not require any mix at all.

You're lazy

Don't let the downvotes eat you up, it'll drive you crazy.

I really felt that the word pederast was out of place here, and sure enough the only definition I can find for that word is someone who has anal sex with boys. I think you meant to call him a pedant?