
Brit here. Watched this weekly earlier in the year. "Redeems" is a waaaay too strong word to describe this season. Definitely a marked improvement on S2, probably because the new case really takes over the show and we're not split between a new case and S1 consequences as we were in S2. Also, the non-case stuff with

Yessss! Great gets for this, loved the first season and seriously hyped for the next. To my mind Lucy Punch is a must for Esme. I can easily imagine both Fillion and Hale for Nero, but something is telling me one of them will be Jerome Squalor and I can't imagine Hale as Jerome. Sara Rue could be one of the women

Yes! Suffocating under my desperate desire to on top of the latest shows in the pop culture spotlight. I was in the middle of making my way through the first season of Riverdale when Master of None dropped, and not is Kimmy back this weekend but I have House of Cards to attempt the weekend after as well - arggghh

Once again, this was easily one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had. On a par with watching 7, slightly above 6 and just under 5.

I live in the UK and caught all of this a few months back - October/November 2016. Strange show this. After Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood both petered out, I honestly never expected to see a Doctor Who spin-off again, and I although I did enjoy the whole show (it has a couple of smaller, character focused

Yesssss - glad this is getting some coverage at AVC! Great little sitcom and as many others have said it feels like a great throwback to golden days of The Office. Also strong agree on Glenn needing dialled back a bit, any episode he features prominently in begins to seriously irritate. Everyone else is great, and

Crikey, this was bad. As others have noted, this entire jumble around Stefan and his desire to redeem himself is extremely flawed. Between Caroline and Matt re-covering up Stefan's past with all the de-compelled people and Dorian being expected to let a mass murderer off the hook because that way he can do some good

I feel like this ep was a classic "this show has the ability to be somewhat decent" mid-season pump-up. But the show immediately shows signs of repeating the exact same rhythms of S7A as the group breaks up again into their various locations. Which potentially means another solo Hilltop ep, another solo Kingdom ep

Hmmm… interesting follow-up to last week's stunner. Must agree with everyone else noting that no-one seems to care that Stefan is now a human, even Stefan isn't really reckoning with the major change. Such a pleasant surprise to have Matt be the focus of the mythology this season, it's great to have him be an

Wow. This was great.

In fact, new dream ending - Matt's dad inevitably dies, which inspires Matt to power up via sirens somehow and turn evil á la Dark Willow in S6 Buffy, who then annihilates the Salvatores before Elena gets woken up to talk him down á la S6 Buffy again with Xander and Willow (may as well finish off stealing all the

This was… not good.

On the topic of Enzo and his relationship to the gang, is he and Matt just chill now after their 2 seasons of despising each other?

Good ep! TVD has managed to strike some kind of consistency of being good! Obvs nowhere near S2/3 level, but up there with the best of the last couple of seasons. Having the characters (and the show) recognise how much they should cut ties with Damon helps me get back on board with the show's (extremely flimsy)

What an excellent analysis of the mind control situation! If only the show was this clear about it…

Remarkably impressed by this season so far. Appreciating the extended length of Damon going off the deep end. Could've easily ended that a couple of episodes ago already. Also, while I always liked Tyler, and don't think he deserved such a terrible death, I'm glad it's in service of making Damon truly irredeemable,

So glad this is back. Genuinely one of the most unexpected delights of last year. Interesting premiere, I felt Rachel had toughened up significantly since last year and perhaps a little too much. That party at the start looked mental and a little out of character for her but I guess that's kind of the point.

I suppose we don't particularly need Rickon. I do think if they do kill him off, it'll be because some grim necessity in order to reclaim Winterfell. I like the idea of him hanging around though perhaps as a reminder of what once was for the others. Reckon is really the only Stark that hasn't changed through the

Does anyone think/dare to hope that the season ends with all 5 Stark siblings reunited at Winterfell somehow? After Jon & Sansa take it back, Rickon is there, Bran finds Jon to inform him of his potential true identity and Arya has been sent to kill someone there as a test to prove she is no longer a Stark?

And so it goes… One of my long-time favourite shows on TV (along with Justified, Lost & The Americans) finally over. I was able to muster enough enthusiasm to get excited about the last stretch of this show, but I sure am glad its over before the Kings did anymore damage to the show. I liked this ending for Alicia,