
I'm fascinated by the future of the Originals. In many ways this season, and especially after last night, has been all about clearing house of characters and narrowing the focus more and more on the core Mikaelsson family (plus Haley).

Hmmm, really mixed thoughts on this ep. Loved the focus on Ben for a change, he's normally just dancing around the sidelines or an afterthought in Baileys storylines that it was good to have him actually do something himself. Also, a neat inversion of the typical "Bailey does something ridiculous and Ben talks sense

Very excellent point. It speaks to my expectations of this show that I assumed it was simply obvious plot armour as a result of terrible writing.

Let me get this straight on the cure rules. You take the cure, you're back to being human. If cure is sucked out of you, you age to the point you should be if you had never died and the person who sucked it out is also cured i.e The plan was for Elena to take it then Damon from her who would keep it forever so he

For me the answer to this question is easily, EASILY, Gravity Falls. I love that little show so frigging much.

My prediction: partly the widely predicted version of events, Maseo takes Oliver to the Pit and is resurrected etc. because…

I had begun to move on from Sara as the shows resident BC and was gradually beginning to accept the inevitability of Laurel taking the mantle. Then I saw these pics of KC in costume. I need Caity back. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk…