Steve Rogers

I'm looking at the pictures, and I'm pretty sure it's way more than "a bit" different.

Because you can't actually kill the boss with any other weapon, you need to keep the basic one to win. Stupider game than baseball.

And She-Hulk's father is Thanos, so there's that too.

The fact that you think anyone asking you to examine your own racism or sexism is calling you "evil" speaks volumes. That's just crazy defensive.

"In my haste to be seen as a feminist crusader/white knight figure, I jumped right to insulting an actress with my own sexist stereotyping", he will never have the self-awareness to say.

I think he has, that's why he's so exasperated.

"Apologies to anyone who works in animal-feed packing industry and loves it." So, no one, then. Apologies to no one.

But a real person can't knock you out with one punch. Jensen needs atomic powered arms to do that.

They paid for the cremation and the service which the father didn't attend. He doesn't have any legal claim to anything, does he (I'm actually asking, since your a lawyer)? I would hate to think my parents would have rights over my remains if I died, I haven't had anything to do with them in years.

No, we hated him…so much.

This isn't a rehash, this is a brand-new one, same director.

Right, not a remake. New movie. Refreshing.