Steve Rogers

Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson are barely recognizable in this.

Spanking is nothing but veiled sex abuse. Parents who do it are imitating their pedo relatives who taught it to them.

You have no way of knowing what someone would have turned out like if their upbringing was different, and there is all the evidence in the world to prove that hitting kids makes them bigger assholes than anything.

Inscrutably baffling. Bafflingly inscrutable.

I'm 30 and mine still looks hawt.

Do flaming, bleeding pentagrams with bat wings count?

Did this cat die or something? There's like a million articles about him and they all seem pointless…

They make tactical three piece suits for high end bodyguards and such, perfect super hero garb. The tie with a velcro break is a must for the dapper street fighter.

Why post any of these comments?

What is there to explore? The only thing to do was to kill the next one. Not every game is a sandbox rpg, nor should they all be.

The problem isn't "But networks are actually designating parts for black actors,".The problem is that they are designating parts for "anyone but caucasians".

Is dropping 37 points bad? That sounds bad, because I know points are usually good.

Batman TAS: "Christmas with the Joker".

Eff that. I'm calling him Betty from now on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, watch the nuance there, this is Black Eyed Peas we're talking about!

Genesis Shadowrun is still a great game, though.

What kind of "eeto" is it? Fr? Dor? The people demand to know!

It would be spoiler-ier if they weren't running so many commercials for it that give it away already.

I don't think you know what "politics" means. It doesn't only mean elections. The Supreme Court makes decisions that affect how power is distributed, which is pretty much the definition of politics. Not to mention the fact that they are way more politically involved than they are supposed to be.

That's some really dry sarcasm. Mmm mm good.