Steve Rogers

I don't understand…I'm 30, am I allowed to watch this or not?

I lost interest when Ru told the Hispanic fella he should stick to covering divas his own race :/

I try to read these. I really do.

Scatman John used music to inspire kids with speech impediments. And he's now dead. How does that make you feel, Chris Jericho?

South America? You mean like Texas?

MG: "Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon." Who cares what the HuffPo says?

I'm confused. Is this in English?

But they didn't destroy the ship, did they? It just had to seem like they were trying really really hard.

Because they need him to do his "The One" thing. That was their idea, remember? Oh, wait, you must have missed the third movie. Smart.

"The Fall" is a genre film? WTF genre is that?

Couldn't get to the part with Ed Norton. Yeesh.

I don't remember people getting this upset about the fascist imagery in "The Wall". Because I was like, 5.

They're dancing barnyard animals, guys. It seriously isn't that confusing, it was one of the first things we ever made cartoons about.

I have a feeling this wasn't produced by the highest levels of party leadership.

Like they needed Waters as an excuse. I'm sure all the homophobes would have come around by now otherwise.

He got stabbed, but that's pretty easy to survive. I don't recall him actually dying.

I don't get it. Is she a real person or is this a dig at feminists? Because if she's real, holy crap is she hurting her own cause.

Conversational dialect ain't any indication of intelligence. I'ma let you in on a little secret: people who play with language be smarter than people who be followin' rules all the time.

I hate that they changed the agency name. Isis is a name that is thousands of years old, those filthy barbarians don't own it unless the media decides to give it to them.

"The cancellation doesn’t come as that much of a surprise after looking at the book’s mediocre sales numbers" How is there so much article after this?