Steve Rogers

Public Enemy and Bjork sounds like an amazing show to me.

When fucking rich people get fired, they continue to get paid. If I did that at work, I'd be arrested.

"They're putting WHITE MEN in prison? Outrage!!!"

It was "trying" to be a meta commentary, and fell flat on its face. It is what is was commenting on.

I think people make fun of Lorde because she sounds like she's doing a funny imitation of someone singing.

There's this really obscure old sci-fi show called Star Trek. I think they did a couple of remakes of it back in the nineties. You've probably never seen them, but they're pretty good. There's this bald guy named Stewart something and he's super hot.

I hope this didn't take too long to make.

None of those "skills" come into play at all in a live fire combat. All that marksmanship disappears completely when you are scared; and yes, you will be scared if you are actually being shot at.

If you can lose to button mashing in BB, you are no true samurai.

I'm lucky that way. You got yer Max Payne, Mighty Max, Mad Max, Max Headroom, Maxwell's Silver Hammer (I was named after that on, so double points), the head vamp Max in the Lost Boys, Max from Where the Wild Things Are, one-armed John Cusack in that Hitler movie Max, and the Grinch's dog.

Moon Stalin is a solid premise for a third Iron Sky. Personally, I would put him in an undersea volcano lair. He'd a floating head in a jar of brine in a robot.

The cynicism of the religious right reaches new depths with a Nic Cage movie.

Does this really strike you as dark and griity? His name is "Bucky", and those are the aliens from Life of Brian, I'm pretty sure. The whole thing seems quite silly.

I don't care about Rob Schneider, I just noted that your "definition" of employee was jarringly incorrect. It's relevant because you said it.

I know you didn't mention part time employees, that's the point! RAR how can you be this dumb?

No it is not! That is not even remotely "the legal definition of "employee" in the United States". Are you actually having a stroke right now? You are saying part time employees, of which there are millions and millions, are not employees. No matter what your job is, you do not have any legal protection against being

That';s completely and utterly moronic. How can you possibly say that only full time employees with benefits are employees? What planet are you from??? Don't speak.

If your job is to be the face of a company, maybe don't rant and rave on the news about nazis. That's all that happened here. He embarrassed his employer, he got fired.

It's a little different when your job is specifically to REPRESENT THEM.

He went on the freaking news with it. Kids are dying because of this.