Steve Rogers

Right? Just tell us how big the pig was and what it's so pissed off about.

Spiritual faith to the bigoted and insane sentiments of Watchmen would not have improved the movie.

I've often thought Gotham was a better setting for a police procedural than a real life city. The cop-centered episodes of Batman: TAS were standouts.

“How do you say, ‘I still matter’? " It helps if you matter.

I have no idea what this article is trying to tell me.

"It wasn’t until she died that he became so vocal in caring so much about his daughter,” Possibly the most despicable response I could think of…

Every hip-hop song since Tupac died. Well, since they stopped putting out "new" Tupac songs, which was like 10 years after he died.

"Christianity, which is the ideology that built this country,” This is easy to laugh at, but in all seriousness, a lot of people agree with him, and they are perfectly capable of murdering non-christians by the million.

I was raised Catholic, so I am unclear on the difference between piety and sucking cock.

He's an addict with a powerful new drug.

But they'll miss out on Michael Bay's gritty Rocky and Bullwinkle reboot!

I can save you a lot of time, then. They have these things called music videos, and they are just like Step Up but without the painful dialogue!
Also, I believe he has legally changed his name to "Channing Taint-yum".

That clears right up when you get off the island for a while.

Mental illness just doesn't exist in his world, it seems.

Ebert: "'North' is a bad film - one of the worst movies ever made. But it is not by a bad filmmaker, and must represent some sort of lapse from which Reiner will recover - possibly sooner than I will." Ouch.

[not satire] Well, I guess we can probably just pack it in, then? We had a good run, fellow humans, but I think we all know this isn't going to work out.

Ah, the old "vague-spoil".

The bigotry is just to give you something to whine about. We wouldn't want you getting bored.

When they reference outside material that fans of a franchise are already familiar with.