Steve Rogers

Of course it's tone-deaf, every reality show is. Otherwise, the producers would realize how awful the whole thing is before filming ever started and become monks.

Well, sure, but I can't masturbate to this crap!

I think of Miller as what would happen if Ronald Reagan started writing comics at a young age instead of becoming an actor/politician. Moore seems more like the Charlie Manson of comics, which is appropriate since he looks exactly like him.

Hyde, in that book, is just an amazingly horrifying madman's version of a super hero.

I loved the stupid thing too. Hyde was fantastic! All the vehicles and action scenes were fun even when they made no sense. It seems to me like people latched on to a couple of nonsense parts and wrote off the whole movie, which was a super hero extravaganza that was well ahead of its time when it wasn't stumbling on

But wildly incorrect. People were just as dumb back in the day, but they didn't all have a way to project their dumb thoughts so the entire world could read them. The internet is definitely making us smarter, but it also gives dumbasses a platform they never had before.

Turns out not all Vietnamese Americans look alike.

She said "Bye" on the internet, which is of course code for "I got nothing and I'm bailing".

"It just treated everyone as human beings. " That's what feminism is.

That's a really silly justification. The fact that TV shows and movies can be wasteful doesn't mean making a show of wasting food while there are starving people in our communities isn't obnoxious as hell.

New headline for Hannibal trailer contains spoilers. Not even avoiding the trailer can prevent spoilers, apparently. Do you have to put them right in the derping headline??

Slow your roll, son. Drag is not a parody of women, and if you think it degrades anyone, that is your bigotry showing.

SPOILER- One more person who didn't understand the ending of The Dark Tower. Hint: it's not a "time loop", were you even paying attention?

If Pazuzu comes for you, I will spit a leopard

Spam is actually the highest quality "luncheon loaf". A very dubious distinction, to be sure.

It's just a bit of pastry and sugary jam…if that made you throw up, you have something else going on.

Would Fink sue AVC though? I think Campbell's is a better bet; deeper pockets.

Maybe John Cho?

They're just using the same story again? But why???