Steve Rogers

And now "Julia Louis-Dreyfus grapefruit bra" is trending on Google, much to the confusion of the NSA.

Dying of malaria at 54 is a bizarre definition of luck.

Cabin in the Woods.

He isn't mentally handicapped, he can consent to his own actions. It just seems like webcam sex is not his biggest problem.

Peeps are just marshmallows. The rest is marketing. You've been fooled by the liberal media into thinking Peeps are not amazing. Obama hates Peeps, so he wants to deny the rest of us their gooey deliciousness.

The taste? It's pure sugar. Anyone who says they don't like that taste is lying.

I just would have seriously changed my name if I were her.

Love me some peeps. It's marshmallow. What's so awful about marshmallow?

I hate the name "truther". It implies that they have some interest in the truth.

They don't make a frowny face frowny enough to represent my reaction to this.

"His lack of social skills makes him dependent on alcohol and cigarettes to form his social life" Maybe this is a bigger issue than "camwhoring"?

Putting out a bad game kind of dampens enthusiasm for the next entry. Silly is being so devoted to a franchise that they can throw quality out the window and fans will still defend it.

ESO left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm not sure how much I care.

Yes, I would have preferred ES6, which would presumably be a step forward in the gameplay instead of several huge steps backwards.

Well sure, it's about their history, not ours, right?

Stealth is insanely bad. NPCs are just signposts that give quests. Quests are just "go kill 10 snarling buttkisses and collect their ears", it is just like WoW and has lost everything that made it ES.

"it has almost nothing mechanically in common with WoW ". OK, if you believe that, then there is no point discussing this. It is EXACTLY like WoW from my POV, and yes, I have played both. All MMOs are pretty much the same.

Fanboy knee-jerk responses aside, this game is just WoW. Everything that made ES great is gone from it. If you want to be contradictory, at least make an argument.

This game is so bad that the previous ES titles are now retroactively made worse by its badness.

This game is so gods-awful that that is a completely irrelevant question.