Steve Rogers

It makes a lot more sense (sense being relative in King's multiverse) if you've read The Dark Tower. Which, of course, would have been impossible when Lawnmower Man was published.

Rob Shneider is a derp-de-derp-de-derpity derp. And he's about to find out…da derpy derpa derp-a-derp!

The trains running on time myth, like most of what American's "know" about history, came from a film.

Thankfully, they are not using anything from the nauseatingly stupid "EU", or so I have heard. Some of that stuff makes "Episode I" look like "Episode V". This sums up the EU for me: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Pssht. I was venerating Obscuros before anyone ever heard of him. Way better than mainstream gods like Thor.

I hate that laser tag vest. That is all.

OK, point taken: I think BTTF sucks. I never understood the appeal. I think it's just marketing.

No, just people who pretend not to like things they know they enjoy.

Now that I've actually watched the trailer, I can't help but hate Michael Bay. Everything about it is so cynical.

I actually really like TMNT, but to act like it's a good movie instead of a cartoon schlockfest is silly.

1) Claims to think the 80s Transformers movie was great.
2) Pretends not to like Family Guy
Congratulations, you're a hipster!

Like Harry Potter invented wizards or something. Was this writer 16 years old?

OK, but it isn't.

I would've called it SCARY MOVIE NONE.

I'm sorry, but TROLL-BLOCK software has blocked this comment from my reality.

Did you just effing compare TMNT to Ghostbusters? I WILL CUT YOU.

13? Well, if this movie can appeal to a 13 year old, I guess it really is super mature!

A family movie where the theme is family? How do they think of this stuff? I'm sorry, but if you look back on that and think it's a solid movie, you are not an adult yet.