Steve Rogers

Why…why do they look like that? Ew. "Oh, a turtle? Those are like, those big amorphous blobs of muscle, right? With no face? I can make that."

"Dark" only makes a movie good if you are a little kid who is "too grown up" for kid's movies. The dialogue, acting, story, direction, action scenes, editing, these were all terrible. The puppetry was impressive "for the time"…the time when you were a little kid.

That great TMNT movie you remember? It was only great because you were 7.

I guess I'm referring to Prototype 2. I didn't get too far in the first one, it seemed hopelessly broken.

AC Brotherhood's multiplayer was the worst thing ever. No wonder nobody plays AC4 multiplayer.

There's a huge quality gap, with InFamous in the lead. Prototype is pretty much hyper masculine blood soaked killfest the whole time, and it can be pretty off-putting to adult people.

The story is…no, you don't need to.

He needs no slack from me, it's just a matter of whether I'd be interested in reading it or not. Can't say I am.

"It rarely feels like vintage Pratchett, and at times it doesn’t sound very much like the writer at all" Sounds like he's not writing the books himself anymore. He wouldn't be the only famous author who writes a paragraph per chapter and farms out the rest.

Quantum physics, however, is used every day to great effect. I didn't realize we were talking about string theory specifically. Now I see what Ichi was responding to, and I am ashamed. (ritually flogs self)

There's plenty of real history in there along with the magic animals and immortal types. You just have to kind of squint.

"Too bad they've spent their lives on a quantum-physical model that has failed to make any meaningful predictions." How do you like your internet?


They still do. You watch many Israeli films?

The historical Jesus was born in Nazareth, just like his name says. The Bethlehem story is pure fiction.

I just said I am not arguing against a smoking area (far from play areas). And I clearly stated your contradiction. I can't help you.

No, you do not have to be in close proximity. You don't have to be seeing thick gray smoke right in someone's face for it to affect them. If you are smoking in a park, yes, the people in the area are exposed. The science is in on this.

Which Eazy-E (not Ice) did, by the way.

Please be being sarcastic…surely you aren't suggesting that children are immune to respiratory illness. EDIT: No… you must be trolling me. Not gonna take the bait.

You aren't really so naive to think that the presence of ashtrays eliminates the litter problem.