Steve Rogers

In 2005, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) released a report that evaluated the first-ever monitoring of the level of outdoor exposure to secondhand smoke on the health of California residents. Based on the conclusions of this report, the ARB adopted a regulatory amendment that identified secondhand smoke as a

Great mindless talking points there.

"I'm all the way across the park?" Surely you see that not all people who smoke in a park stay on the exact opposite end of where children are, even if you are that responsible. Also, nobody wants butts everywhere, which does happen even if you yourself don't ever litter personally. And now you've gone from "smoking

No kidding. Even with the ban it is often a problem.

So we just have to rely on every smoker in every park to keep a safe distance? Ridiculous. If you allow smoking where there are children, children are going to get exposed.

The effects of secondhand smoke are extremely well documented. It doesn't go away outdoors.

No kidding. People have been making fun of Bosnia for claiming they have 12,000 year old pyramids (spoiler:they don't), but at least they recognize that 12,000 years ago was a thing.

No you don't. If you were thinking about what you were saying at all, you would not say they hate freedom. That's just standard mudslinging. They just have a different idea of freedom than you. They probably think you hate freedom, too.

"I think banning smoking in public parks is ridiculous." You don't care that it has potentially deadly consequences for the children at the park? "Moving away" is not a good solution, because you cannot count on every smoker to do that, and just because you are not directly breathing the smoke in someone's face

A "grain of truth" is nothing but a convincing lie. George Washington (supposedly) said not to lose our Christian "values". That has nothing at all to do with governance and legislation. On the subject of the State, they were very clear. The church has no business dictating laws.

"(certainly it's not something I've witnessed firsthand)". Um, are you a gay person in a black community? They didn't make it up. Black Americans are, as a group, poorer than whites. Poor people are, as a group, more religious than others. Religious people are, as a group, more homophobic. It's a cultural thing, it's

Christians consistently fail to understand that they do not own God. We can trust in God without letting the humans in the church run things. Also, all the "In God We Trust" is from the 50s. It has not always been part of the fabric of this country. Rather, the God references in the motto and in the pledge were

You don't really think they "hate freedom", do you? You sound exactly like Rush talking about a liberal. Be realistic. Of course they don't hate freedom, they just have a different (OK, wrong) conception of what those freedoms mean. No progress gets made while we debate caricatures of each other.

The suggestion that we wouldn't have a law against murder if it were not for the Bible is absolutely ridiculous, and one has but to look at any non-christian country, all of which have laws against murder, to see that. As for a "significant number" of people not understanding the Constitution, laws are not based on

That survey has been done. "When asked which should have more influence over the laws of the country ­ the Bible or the will of the people, even when it conflicts with the Bible ­ most Americans (63%) say the people’s will should have more sway. A significant minority (32%), however, believes the Bible should be more

Just to be clear, Wallace probably never actually said that. It's from a book called "Settin' the Woods on Fire", in which the quote was attributed to him, but this was never verified anywhere else as far as I can tell. Don't get me wrong, whether he said it or not, it's still what he did.

Smokers are a minority that you want to leave. I know it is easy to act like you are being persecuted by smoking laws, but the fact is that they save lives, and people who encourage smoking cause death.

Did anyone read the article? The storylines are not about Wayne, they're about cops and robbers. Very cutting edge stuff. 12 year old Brucie is not the focal point.

But they aren't making a show about a 12 year old Bruce Wayne. They're making a cop show and one of the characters is a 12 year old. I doubt we'll be following him much.

I thought this sounded like a great idea until the details started trickling in. It sounds like they have a creative team who doesn't like comics so much.