Steve Rogers

I mean…would a non-millionaire get deported in this situation? Either way, he should be treated like anyone else.

Lets just ignore all the very real and important ones because some people are using it for annoying things?

Also, writing and directing most of the guys sketches is hardly "riding his coattails".

Maybe he was pissed at the bizarre way Dave was treating him and everyone else they worked with?

"because a lot of people whine and have thin skin." It's actually because it makes the world a more pleasant place to be in. Of course, someone named "Tila Tequilas Vajayjay" would like to see the world become as nasty and hate filled as possible, apparently.

He doesn't know any vegetarians, he's just repeating the things all trolls say.

Because he says "the N-word" in his bit, just like that.

Sir Psycho Sexy on the radio? It would be half blanked out!

I think your joke detector needs calibration.

I agree, people shouldn't explore issues. We should just all shut up and watch sports until we die.

If Pacino did Jack and Jill, he'll do anything.

They never made a damn commercial out of anyone's music. That is a completely different issue.

They aren't breaking any laws, don't be ridiculous. They are protecting their right to their property. An advertisement is not a parody.

Ignoring the lack of consent involved with that, that is how you get herpes.

It is my understanding that being drunk yourself does not give you permission to fuck someone else who is blacked out. This, in my humble opinion, applies both/all ways across gender boundaries. If you have both started drinking with the intention of fucking at the end, that's one thing, but strangers should not fuck

"So, in Dragon's Crown you sexually assault an injured woman, but it's all right because…"

Drunk blackout sex… don't we usually call that date rape?

Can I sign a petition *against this?

I hope you're right, that is super-hot.