
Just started watching this series and it is great. Had an episode with Blue Falcon and Dyno Mutt. Falcon was even more Batman than Batman. Most of this series has me laughing or smiling at the humor. Great voice acting all around. Nice nods and homages to famous people. There was a HP Lovecraft character and a Vincent

I just watched an episode. It is VERY cringe worthy. A few fun acts, but Myers does some awful schtick and ruins it. The guy who won this episode did a piano act. He did chopsticks with chopsticks then balanced a cello neck fist on his chin and played Dueling Pianos. There was a one man band guy who was on the

You used a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. After that Sir Robin suggests "Perhaps he was dictating". I was just using the follow up line.

Perhaps he was dictating…

Exactly. I see anything Disney/Nickelodeon while flipping channels i see kids that look and act artificial. Not even prime time sitcom real. It is like robots or aliens desguised as humans. Stranger things kids were real kids.

The movie is very faithful. King even praised it and called the movie ending vetter than what he had. This is just crap.

This show just thuds exposition left and right. Both in writing and flat delivery.
"The electronics store has a drone with a camera. My dad and I looked at it last time we were here."
"Be careful. That drone is the only one the store had."

Bullwinkle would have looked more real then what they used.

"I wonder why he bothered to use his kidney as a full stop."
"I think it just sort of plopped out."
—Red Dwarf, Psirens

My list:
1. Better Call Saul
2. Trial and Error
3. Lucifer
4. Feud - bring on more seasons!
5. Fargo (weakest season, but still better than most shows)
6. Legion (a mind screw of a show)
7. Lethal Weapon - i'm putting this on here because it exceeded my expectations and turned out to be a good show. Funny that Wayans is

Agreed. I loved this show. So wonderfully stupid with tons of hidden jokes that are gems. One gag i loved was a mention of the town still has death by bear on the books. One of the last episodes Dwayne says he ran into a guy with a bear in the hall. A few minutes later in the background you see a guy in an

Or Clue.
"Mrs. Peacock was a man?"

Yes. I caught that. Either great location scouting, or fun easter egg or simply random store.

Ok a tiny moment just made me laugh watching this episode. Bullock chases down Gordon before he can get on the train.He draws his weapon. I hear a random old lady say "Now we're going to be delayed aren't we?"

I adore this show. Never afraid to go outlandish. If the joke is funny they do it. Wile E Coyote and turtle nervosa guy are so cartoonish, yet comedy gold. The Wheelers were fun sad sacks. I got most of the series on dvd. Great show.

A new brother or sister is my guess. The wings are a reward for his good deeds of late.

I loved that line.

Loved the dumb PE teacher's delayed reaction. He is dumb as a box of hair indeed.

Saw it. It was fairly decent. Some moments of awkward humor. One guy looking into the part of a cop tells about his night job as a sex education (S&M) teacher. He demonstrates some whips. But it later lends credability to his thoughts on ligature marks on the body.

And at the sentencing Dwayne makes a comment about a hooded man with a bear coming in the back. A moment later you see the guy with the bear walk past the door.