
I basically gave up on the series. I have to dvr it and delays mean the show never records properly 4-5 weeks in a row and i said screw it. CBS sucks. They charge to watch things online. Only network that does.

Agreed. I loved that.

Just finished with Wizards pt 1. Starcrash was so terrible in itself it made it the best episode. Wizards is wonderfully stupid. I like Kor. He was amusing and the film was dumb enough to poke fun of itself a tad. Both were solid episodes.

I think they used the wrong bit for the stinger. Watch the part where it grabs the cow. That is just so laughably terrible.

Invention exchange? Yeah never picked up on it till it was pointed out. Then i found it amusing.

Ok gotta ask this. Does anyone know if they are using cgi for the silhouettes now especially their interactions with the screen? Gypsy is way too fluid and is exactly the same everytime. I can buy the three normal seats being real guy and puppets, but the rest and the movements being cgi.

Wait till you get to Starcrash. That one is very inept and just all kinds of dumb. The model work in it looks worse than anything on MST3k which is intentionally cheesy.

Just started watching it. It already looks like the cheapest looking one they have ever done. My god the models do not look the least bit convincing. I've seen homemade stuff that looks better.

One bit that made me bust a gut was in Time Travelers. The dorky guy Danny is getting a date with future girl. She says she will see him at 10.
Danny "Try and stop me"
Crow "That is what mace is for."

I had to look it up after they said it, but indeed it is the same guy. Nice pull guys.

Not for everyone. I know lots of peole like Modern Family, but when i see it i never laugh nor do see why others like it. Some shows are not for me, but i can at least see why others might like it.

I too thought it was great. Liked it better than Reptilicus. Reminded me a bit of Pod People. Guy who wants kill something. Hairy creature. Little kid (less annoying here). Cry Wilderness felt like several old MST3k movies tossed into a blender and new product emerges. Also felt like it should have been a golan globus

On episode 3 thus far. First episode was a bit jarring, but it is finding its new groove now. The constant Gypsy coming in once or twice an episode takes a minute to get used to. But to me the Tom Servo floating across the screen, especially in Reptillicus, became a little annoying. Once in a while it is ok. In ep 3

What gets me is the capital building is near finished being rebuilt. And it was destroyed a few months before.

I'm behind on this show and am watching it now. Seriously the fingerprint on a glass off of a cell phone picture? I honestly am debating quitting the show right now. I can see the magical crap like that in CSI which lives off that. But a lot of this show is making me have to use massive steel cables to suspend my

Loved Dwayne's family loving East Peck sports team and being huge Peckerheads.

I think he just wants the idiot boyfriend to die. Can't stand him or him being with daughter so kill the idiot at the same time.

Even little moments in this series are great. I love them uniting at the table read. Joan tries to be included and criticizes the elipsies and suggests using a comma.
"We're not submitting it to the library of Congress Joan."

Liked the line about been killed by a bear is still the method of execution in East Peck.

I think this kid is in a Progressive ad where the box is talking to what looks like a 4th or 5th grade class.