
Man, now I wanna watch that show. And they did utter the soap classic line "Don't worry, you'll get everything that you deserve." - Maybe it is heading that way… oh well, should be fun.

Yep, but it took a good four years for Dexter to descend to the depths it did, and it all started with inconsequential subplots, illogical leaps and character inconsistencies.

Please, no writer over 7 would attempt a straight version of the amnesia storyline. It's either gonna be an act, or something more interesting. I'd bet on it.

But which character became a lumberjack?

Ahhh, it's like Dexter all over again…

Welcome to Showtime, where once great shows get progressively stupider.

Laurel's suicide should be up next. You know what, I love when natural causes bring about death in genre shows. Like Joyce and Tara in BtVS and Laura Roslin in BSG. Extra points when they're not brought about by a villain (ie Joyce)

was…? He slept with at least two women while supposedly being in love with Laurel, and I've lost count of how many since he got back from the island.

Think the drug was more of a cocoon, shutting down the body to minimal life whilst it restructured the body. I've seen no evidence it would resuscitate a body with a post-mortem injection.

Doubt it, she's just come off playing a lesbian tomboy on The Killing, unlikely to have the same role again.

Nah, it's too easy. Would be funny if Mr. Queen was Tommy's father though.

And all illegal.

Thing is, I don't think Zoe thought they could get Mal back, she was – in her mind – leaving him to die. It was only Wash who hatched the plan to save him.

Yeah, comic names are usually incredibly lame. I mean would you go to a dentist called Dr Doom? What choice did he have really…

Dude…. bullet + head = very very dead.

She didn't, she only asked after Slade.

I guess the 24 hour Particle Accelerator Channel is out of business now :(

Did he actually make a choice? I missed that moment.

Sin TheaRoy - see built in shipper name for them

Fraid not, viewers know too, since when Sara came back to SC she asked about Slade, unlikely otherwise since she was there when he OD'd.