
None of the vitals are front-line forces though. And the front-line is usually the ones who die first. Jamie's survival was a bit of a stretch, but not completely extraordinary.

Plus Brienne is used to/trained to fight against men. She probably has less experience in fighting a more agile and smaller opponent.

I'm gonna draw a line in the sand right now and say 'you should not use the Latin'… seriously, you're batting 0 for 2 on proper usage there :-p

Do we "know" she's human though? We only have her word that she took the thing…

See also:

Hey! You can't let people effect you like that.

Wait, so are we saying that there's some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?

Appointment as head of Trump's new Women's Rights committee in 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 …1 …

Except that would break the rules: 'into each generation a slayer is born'. The average life expectancy for a slayer upon activation seemed to be around 10 years or so, so any potential slayer would have to younger than the current slayer.

Films rarely have budget cuts, occasionally in prep stage if they change director/producers, but that's very rare.

You can see in the scene at the gas station, right at the beginning of the film, that Howard is parked behind her and watching her. It's likely here that he decides to kidnap her… so yes, he did run her off the road purposefully.

I still remember the time they tried to use Frightened Rabbit's 'Keep Yourself Warm' on Chuck… amazing song, but having to cut around a song which has about 25 F-words in it (and in the chorus at that) made for a very bizarre time.

…which is probably why they made the odd choice of making Sara unaware of Laurel's death in 2016 despite Savage teasing her about it.

That would have been genuinely clever… which explains why these writers didn't think of it.

Supergirl isn't from Earth-1 or -2… she's from another unnamed Earth.

Mark Hammill's appearance in the show already made the 90's show canon.

Also a major reason why characters usually are wearing clothing which covers the vast majority of their skin when they're meant to fight, lets the stunt team use padding underneath the outfits.

Same goes for The Flash. All the villains so far have been speedsters, and it's getting pretty repetitive, especially when Zoom is so abjectly terrible, and dreadfully written.

Even Hive doesn't remember if they're cured when he dies.

Yeah, but the whole dead parent coda really is the laziest kind of storytelling.