
I does kinda seem like Ollie is doing every girl in sight. I think Sin is the only non-relative he hasn't slept with at this point (besides Felicity)

"Don't worry Captain, I'll sign those life insurance renewal papers when I get back from this one last job before I retire."

The CIA know everything.

And here was us thinking that Tommy was gonna be the villain… how wrong we were.

You don't consider Malcolm Merlyn a 'proper supervillain'? Sheesh, how many earthquakes does a brother need…

I never pegged Shado for a refrigerator girl…. They do seem to stumble on the female characters a fair bit, but I suppose considering the source media, it could be far worse. At least we haven't had "rape as backstory" yet.

Firefly still has the best Sophie's Choice scene:
"I think there is enough money here perhaps for one of your men, so here lies the dilemma w….."
"Oh I'm sorry, you were gonna ask me to choose right? Did you want to finish?"

Where's the Evil League of Evil though?

Didn't they cancel Veronica Mars? Although, I'm impressed that Nikita has lasted as long as it has. TV won't be the same without Lyndsy Fonseca in sexy spy gear.

Hey babe, since we're trapped on an island with the contraceptive supply of a Vatican vending machine…. anal?

Also: "This obsession with the undead in television and other media is quite
puzzling … their mythology has even been studied by scientists to prove that such an outbreak can never occur."