Yes; and they're both looking at an armchair that's less than 200 bucks
Yes; and they're both looking at an armchair that's less than 200 bucks
Eh; I honestly really don't care all that much about Audrey's auspicious absence thus far
I'll join the chorus on the feeling that Bobby is totally on the up-and-up. (Just a terrible emother—lol the Laura photo crying scene was over the top; perhaps deliberately and melodramatically so.)
Do we know Chad is "dirty?" Or just that he's a complete asshole?
Every time I see Chad, I think to myself an Irish IT technician character In a British sitcom bellowing "HAVE YA TRIED TURNING EEET ON?" ;) (for some reason, Chad reminds me of him visually)
Yes—sure as fucking shit beats NCIS: Lame Angeles for a final performance.
I didn't mind the knob scene all that much; and I especially loved seeing Bob again. "HEY COOP—WHY DID JOSIE DIE???" (or was it "how did Josie die?")
btw: who here imagined Agent Cole would have so many scenes in the new Peaks?
"the girls at the end were a bit rinse and repeat for me,"
Yes! Honestly, I was on board with this episode for the most part.
Over the years, I've had occasional "issues" with Lynch's "awkward pauses/takes/bullshit."
"but then I also think it's just him setting up her return."
During that long scene of prolonged gazes between Dern and Lynch, I was hoping Tammy would finally leave so that Diane could talk to Gordon about what happened the night with Bad Cooper
A few post-piece reactions:
I giggled at the foot scene too, despite how ridiculous it was. (Pot doesn't do that. Though I suppose when he said in an earlier episode "I THINK I'M HIGH!" it didn't have to be pot…)
lol "I've got an idea" [urinates into coffee mug]
I've seen just the first episode of this current [second] season, but: so far, so good!
(What I especially enjoy is how The Preacher rarely takes itself seriously.)
Can I come as The Burnt Engine Oil?