Robin Marshall

Agreed; though the Oscars rarely give awards to deserving talent. (IMO. Definitely are exceptions)

The Hidden?

He recommended recently to use good headphones with The Return so: you're doin' good.

David Lynch would be so proud of you and your setup!

I love Mulholland Drive. A whole lot.

I really liked Elephant Man.

Sounds like a pretty cool dream

Yes; Rabbits is definitely worth a look

Agreed; it's definitely worth watching, if only for Dern's [and others'] performances.

Okay; thanks for the clarification!

Did you read the review though; particularly the final paragraph?

I'll have to check that out!

lol: just imagined Wally saying "miasma" with his Brando speech impediment.


I really liked how they looked. For me, it proved quite effective.

Read this review, recognitions.

I do remember reading how he loved the immediacy of it; which is understandable. (No film rushes to have to contend with, even)

I've written this before, but: I especially enjoyed the Chromatics piece from [first or second episode?]. I've been a fan of theirs for a few years now, and I really like "Shadow."


:) Oh no-no; I wasn't in the slightest suggesting you were giving anything away! (Not that this should even be a concern—I mean, I've had HOW many years to watch the damned show?)