Robin Marshall

Why, *what* floor sweeping scene? I must have missed it!


Now there is an astute observation!

I remember being pretty offended by a People magazine (pretty sure it was People) from 1995 (YES, I'M OLD lol), "celebrating" the fiftieth anniversary of the atomic bomb. And some of the people involved were saying things like "it was a beautiful thing to behold," blah.

Yeah; I'm not super sure I liked having to hear/see the entire NIN performance, either.

It is!

lol awesome

The "inside the mushroom cloud" part of the episode was definitely "The Star Gate" from 2001: A Space Odyssey

It does, however, seem a bit out of place (at least to me; upon virgin viewing of this episode) that Lynch would so directly "pay homage" to Kurbick/Trumbull like this.

Yeah; my choice of words were horrible. I'm more reacting to all the similar elements in this episode to Kubrick/fifties era b movies having to do with aliens/atom bombs/etc

Blue Velvet is "essential" viewing, IMO.

bad choice of words. I guess I meant….


aww, man.

I'll potentially concede one thing to you, recognitions:

No worries about not seeing Inland Empire before making pronouncements about the look of his films [which is often amazing],


I'm a mere one person on the Internets, but: I strive (or: at least I attempt, or THINK I attempt to strive) to not become a troll and automatically dismiss other people's opinions, good or bad. (As in "negative" views of something, or "positive" views on something.)


lol I wouldn't say the mouth is exactly that much more…benign