Robin Marshall

PFFT: "lasting marriages" was so last century!


This episode was equally eerie and heartbreaking.

ditto, kiddo!

[snicker snicker]

I was thinking about that too, beema—the Giant/Fireman's instructions and how they're comprehended by the recipient vs. viewer.

"How many men do we have in the North to fight? 10,000? Less?"

"A girl likes showing off with Brienne."

I know it's just a tv show—and a fantastical, surreal, Lynchian one at that obviously,

{groans} :P

Who's this "Cooper?"



Who DIDN'T Drill Laura Palmer?

HAH!!!!! Holy Sweet Jebus: I'd forgotten that line!

If you would have told me even four months ago that Twin Peaks 3.0 would essentially be The Gordon-Albert Show, I'm not sure I would have believed you…

older "Albert" sure is less sarcastic though! :)

"HALLELUJAH!" (said utterance either normal, or "The Arm" backward/forward)

LOL OH MY GAWWWD! Talk about "Moral Majority" types: I'm a Canuck who was in Tulsa OK visiting my then girlfriend in January 2002, and we decided to go see Mulholland Drive. I could not BELIEVE how many "blue haired" senior citizens were in attendance. "How can this be?!!!" I thought to myself. I

Oh, you can rest assured that at some point, "Hollywood" tried to find a way…