Robin Marshall

Great points.

I can't find it now, but someone posted earlier tonight—and who knows; possibly more than just one poster here has suggested it—that ultimately, a fully regained Agent Cooper will find a new life with Naomi Watts' character and her son.

Duly fucked—er: noted.

Ah, that's right!!

Ah, fuck! Great thought!

This is precisely what I thought, too.

I just mean that Mulholland Drive benefitted so much by becoming a film. Otherwise: all that Betty stuff would likely to have been the norm. If you get what I'm saying.

Definitely have.

Oh GOD. I really should have known that!

Why reflecto: what a cheery thought!

In full agreement on this one.

I'm getting the dark sense that Bob-Coop raped her.

—There was a shot of the trees and fog on the mountains that was absolutely gorgeous - i said 'wow' out loud at it.

I have to admit: I'm missing the joke.

Honestly; Mulholland Drive seeing a second life as a motion picture was such an enourmous blessing.

Plus; I mean, they make out. (But I'm not complaining, David!) ;)

Yeah; not gonna lie—I enjoy watching her. But she can't act worth shit.

This comment is in dire need of countless thumbs up

Hmm; now THAT I don't recall. But who knows? :)

It was.