Robin Marshall

Yup! Pretty dang sure I noted his watch as being past five.

I read that as well; fairly recently.

I was assuming it had something to do with Audrey's secret snooping hideout.

Yeah; it's a bit hard to just go with that. Even for a show as weird as Twin Peaks.

Oh really??? Huh!

It definitely wasn't "freeze" The Arm was instructing.

Oh most certainly, yes.

I do believe that episode has sealed me to this "season" of Twin Peaks.
I am definitely, positively "in."


In Canada, bacon is BACON. (It's not like ham, as you all seem to think it is.)

It will never cease to amuse me how you Yanks call it "Canadian bacon."

:) My Swiss and Irish friends ensured I was able to watch 1 through 4! I've yet to see 5 yet; though I'm now back home. Hopefully tonight

I'm travelling through Europe for three weeks, and will be missing at least 2-3 episodes.

The train car scene at the end of episode one of the second season (I have the right ep, right?), is just as scary now as it was then.

My province's government insurance company[car/drivers licence etc] blatantly ripped off the visuals:

Know what I really liked about this episode?

Hey; I just stumbled on it three hours into your post! :)

So, too: White Haired Leland

Thanks, Radiohead, for playing Canada never.
