Robin Marshall

Don't worry, Jackie5678—lovely name, by the way! We should go out some time—SaoMagnifico is *this* close to committing! He's just wishing for a bit of clarification. (And if *he* says "yea," then BY GOLLY if I'm not in as well!)

Tina Fey????

Arya is there already—just as Theon and sis were already at Dragon Lady's throne room—because in this late-hour of "hurry the hell up; we've got shit to do and storylines to progress," every major city/kingdom now has a teleportation room for rapid excursions.

EXACTLY. WTF???? Change the title, dummies.

It was a HIT??? I'll certainly take your word for it, but that's not how I remember its reception. Perhaps I'm dead-wrong, but I would have told you it was a big Dud, both critically and financially.

I'm assuming this is for Yankees only? Not that any of you would even know (and not like you should or anything).

How is it Hoat the Goat's comment hasn't garnered 100s of "likes" by now?

'Roger "Blackfish" Waters was killed off, in secret, in the dark, off-camera, for his views on Israel, sir.'

Annoying, frustrating times.

I can't wait for this!

"If we do get renewed, what are people’s bets on how they’ll bring Archer
back from the dead? Cyborg? Clone? Dream? Alternate universe? Those
damn aliens? Second, back-up robot?"

Bangs (esp. the blunt variety) are often awesome looking IMO. (Bangs are certainly more pleasing and sensible a choice than this ridiculous oversized-eyeglasses trend that, for reasons completely foreign to me, is catching on like a nasty, unwelcome virus. But: I digress!)

Is there a truly bigger asshole in the music industry today?

"But she's too old!"


I found it absolutely ridiculous how Theon and his sister could "sneak off " with slow-moving ships, while the rest of them were drown-crowning What's-His-Face.

"As usual, Littlefinger’s plots feel like supervillain Rube Goldberg machines in action."

uh oh: I accidentally stole your bit. (See "banana peel; fall down that open floor")

He should slip on a banana peel and fall down that open floor! HIGH-larious!

Boom! Think you've nailed it, dirkmcquickly.