Robin Marshall

I just meant in terms of low budget-feel / simpler storyline camp (vs the rest of the show).

YES! This bothers me a great deal.


lol; loved that!

When What's-Her-Face goes on about how so many of Doran's own people hate him, the camera is focused on the guards. I just presumed these guards were in on the regicide.

Oh MAN; not even close!

How about this Classic Clinton Simpsons Moment:

I don't care about Chris Hardwick.


Because The Religious Right has prevented Hollywood from adapting it!! :)

How does The Chrysalids rate with you? Only thing I've read of his…waaaaaaay back in tenth grade. (Which was during The Cretaceous Period: 1990/91)

"I remember the threat of nuclear war then as being not unlike terrorism
now: something you think about and maybe fret over a little if you're
the anxious sort, but not something that had everyone living in constant

"learning about Mutually Assured Destruction in fucking elementary
school, and my city's air raid sirens being tested every Saturday, it
was a time of terror that constantly bubbled under the surface"

Please forgive the quite-possible silliness/naivete of this question: what is it, exactly, that causes Gil Bellows' superior to decide to call off the dogs, and let Jake go? Did I doze off here? What is it that his superior finds out that causes them all to just say "screw it?" Are we supposed to assume that JFK

Keeping in mind I could totally be off my rocker…

I want to say he indicates his age is thirty-five; no?

I sure did.

Great review of a touching and affecting finale, Allison! Not to mention how much I enjoyed your other seven reviews.

I'm hoping [in vain] "Lucille" made contact with one/all of the members of the writers' room