Robin Marshall

I had to rewind Rust's final dialogue approximately 100 times before I could understand what the goddamned hell he says. ;)

(The true comedy here is that Fox renewed The Following.)

Aww, SNAP!

[snicker, snicker] "SUPERTRAIN!"

That, plus, well: the band Laika.

If by "credentials" you mean "mah DADDY goht mee thuh job," then yes: you'd be correct.

Keep in mind that President "Dumbass" (AKA Bush) was down at his stupid fucking ranch every other goddamned day, clearing "brush." And that he went on vacation like a few weeks after being sworn in. ("PRESIDENTIN' IS HAHRD WORK, YEEEEHAWWWWWW!!!")

(Can't believe that was twenty years ago this coming June!)

"See, Twin Peaks probably should have scared me at that age"

Damn! I shoulda bought that '94 Pink Floyd concert shirt! Still love that design. :) (Had it in key-chain form at least!)

I don't WANT to know what's happening. Because I love the show! I want to experience the show the best way I can. (I know you aren't alone though. I just cannot understand it. I know show creators have a hard time with networks too, because the networks WANT to disclose spoilers prematurely. And the creators

I have to say—and this is not a criticism, but just an observation—the way episode three ended, I fully expected that shootout to happen within the first ten-fifteen minutes of episode four. Where four ended up taking us was definitely not what I was expecting.

Sopranos lasted WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too long.

ED SULLIVAN REBORN! (re: "show/shoe")

Agree fully.


That revelation in episode four makes me wonder if, secretly, the two still have some sort of connection/affiliation even as late as 2012.

I, too, asked the same thing in real-time [viewing]. But it's early; the exceptional writing thus far is allowing me to give the show the benefit of the doubt.

I do admit to agreeing with some of your concerns.

I love knowing that after eight episodes, this storyline is OVER. No upteen seasons. No horrible writing decline.