Robin Marshall



Yeah; I don't understand why anyone would want to actively view previews to a show they love and are fully invested in.

I'd rather they come out with new -music- buuuuuuut…

God DAMN those stupid Olympics!

How are Archer fans here liking this current season so far? I've found it a bit uneven three episodes in. Am I out to lunch, maybe?

Ha! Wussies! 43 F is nothing! Plus all that beer would have helped to warm all those bored, bored souls watching first-hand the SuperBore. (Dreadfully terrible game last night! Yikes.)

Far too often, episode trailers give away more than is necessary. Same thing goes for a lot of film trailers. Some, thankfully, are more savvy and tease more than they spell out. (I totally acknowledge your point about desiring a little more about your 10-20 dollar cinema investment beforehand besides the title of

Why would you want to see a preview?? I do my best to avoid all previews. I am not a fan. (Spoiler territory!)

I wonder just how many Americans truly believe the RCMP still wear the now ceremonial red uniform while on the day-to-day job.

I was convinced to attend 2012's Coachella. I was trying so very hard to acquire tickets to see Radiohead ANYWHERE and failing, that when my friend scored Coachella tix and asked if I wanted one: SURE!

It's not nerdy at all. Breaking Bad definitely parallels tragedy literature of the past, and what you wrote was apt. (Anyone here who thinks you're simply "dredging up" boring "high school" stuff really has no business writing on this forum.)

I'd like to agree with you, I really would. But I don't think that's going to happen.

Except for C3P0, who/that is made by boy-Anakin, WHICH, OF COURSE, MAKES NO GODDAMNED FUCKING SENSE, WHATSOEVER.

I don't go out of my way to watch Saturday Night Live. Nine times out of ten: it's as entertaining as watching paint dry.