Pick Me Please

That is amazing trivia. She seems as cool as her late father, bless his soul.

Killing her dad would also have added that extra level of emotional punch when Korra starts crying seeing Master Jinora hug her dad.

I think all that heavy balance of the world talk boils down to one's personal ideology, and doesn't really mean squat beyond that.

Too soon.

Zaheer was the Keanu Reeves of this episode and show.

Asami does say "I'm there for you If you want to talk or (long pause) anything else (grabs hand and interlocks Korra's fingers with hers). It's possible she really meant that offer of service.

Futurama did it too, right?

The real mystery of this episode to me is: could a mini tornado push a sailing raft along in such a controlled, steady manner in real life, or would the ship spin out and crash from the sheer volatility of the wind tunnel?

If that was the case he should have just bent all the air from the attackers directly like Zaheer did and saved himself.

Yeah, he doesn't seem concerned about the aftermath at all, just that balance is achieved somehow. I don't think his beliefs can even be called Social Darwinism as that's a more recently coined term for a collection of 19th century racial supremacy hypotheses that misinterpret the theory of evolution. That's the

I'm not getting this general consensus that Zaheer = black wearing anarchist just because of a superficial and tenuous connection with hating governments. I've never read anything about anarchism to suggest it is about a love of chaos in a dog-eat-dog world where the strong survive and the weak perish, fueled mainly

On the one hand I agree, but I also have a strong suspicion that as a ruler she will extend her hand in friendship, but if it's slapped away and they decide to become her enemies instead she will come down hard on them.

Your probably right, this Earth Bender guy with the beard does crazy things we have never seen before almost every episode so it shouldn't surprise me.

Because arching has strict rules.

The weird thing is I believe it was a previous Fire Nation Avatar, Roku, that lava bended in a volcano.

I hope the SpongeBob repeat got shit ratings because I know this was a test to see how each performed against each other.

Su's trusting nature really did bite them in the butt. Who knew the guy that can tell if people are lying may be a liar himself? Who knows how many people were wrongly executed on his word alone.

To be fair, the guy has to pace around the entire stadium acting out everything he does in order to appear comedic.

I hope Jonah is given a second chance from the 90's crowd.

It's good to see smart movies out there that remember that fact however.