
Finn's new awkwardness with Alicia appears to be their way of addressing, in hindsight, why the switch to Elfman happened after the holidays. Seeing how they didn't explain it at all at the time. The Kings said in a recent interview that, based on viewer feedback, they keep a running list of all the holes that they

I think the opposite - that she asked him because he's not a romantic threat anymore. Also, because JM friendzoned him in an interview with E! this week. She said that Finn is too closely tied to Will which comes across like bs to me considering this was never shown to be a problem. The core demo likes Finn - Matthew

I agree..the fall in quality is kind of staggering and one good moment in an episode doesn't compensate for all of the schlock . While I get their desire to switch from a procedural to a serialized program, it doesn't mean they're the best at it. Look at the many story holes, timeline issues, continuity problems, etc,

Fingers crossed that some of her dirty deeds get exposed seeing as how practically everyone else on the show has paid the price for their less than perfect actions.

Yes..Lady Mary appeared to be the choice on Twitter after he said it. I doubt we will ever see the mystery woman but, if we do, I hope that she is smart and capable - different than those bimbo, messed up types that they always paired with Will who were never really any kind of threat vs Alicia.

After Peter saved the day, the ending suggested that she and Peter will be "more" together than not moving forward until he makes her mad or screws up again. Her look of disappointment when it was Eli instead of Peter on the phone gave me that sinking feeling. Their drunk with power victory party moments tend to unite

Given that so many viewers were against her winning and are now defecting from the show in fairly big numbers, I am curious to see what they do to stop the bleeding. It's one thing to have carte blanche with the writing when things are going well but it's quite another when you've lost 2 million viewers since the

It has lost a number of live viewers since the beginning of the season - around 2 million and has dropped from 1.5 to 1.0 in the demo with a sharp drop in the last 3 episodes. The good news is that playbacks are strong. Suggesting that folks still are watching but do not feel the need to watch it live over other

Another ratings clunker..3rd episode in a row. This episode probably isn't going to help bring back viewers next week either based on the commentary it has elicited. Hopefully, they will promote that there are courtroom scenes in the upcoming episode and downplay the campaign antics in the ads this week.

Let's just hope that she doesn't evolve into Fitz where his handlers did the same.

Perhaps his absence made the switch to Johnny easier to sell? I'm not sure the way it has transpired is sitting well with some fans though.

Thankfully, he makes a return next week and perhaps courtrooms make a guest appearance as well.

Perhaps so. Finn will be in the next episode. TV Line put out a teaser story last week about his return.

The spin they put out was that Matthew Goode was filming Downton but he actually did that last summer per the Downton fans. He may have been busy with The Imitation Game promotion and press when these episodes were filmed. It's still a strange situation if you ask me. Maybe they suspected that he and Lady Mary were

As much as I would love it, I do not see any way that it will happen given what they've invested in it. Well, I take that back. I guess if enough viewers stop tuning in over the shift in the show, I could see a scenario down the road where she has a scandal, blackmail type of scenario, etc that might prompt a

Do you take note of what other respected reviewers across the web are saying about the show as of late? The reviews that I have read have been pretty consistent across various other sites - i.e. somewhat critical stating their disappointment in the campaign arc and expressing a sense that something is missing from the

Sorry but they'd all love to have a global hit on their hands. They care about the bottom line and a 1.0 that the present stories and recent episodes are delivering isn't cutting it. CBS isn't running a charity.

Looks like Downton Abbey kicked The Good Wife's butt last night. The Good Wife tied its series low with a 1.1, down 21 percent from a 1.4 adults 18-49 rating for its most recent original episode -sitting at 8.9 million. The older viewers really hate the stories and the switch to the political focus, too. They're

Given the way the season has transpired, glum with little fun, they'll probably couple up Finn and Nancy Crozier just to twist the knife.

No, he will be back in the future per the Kings. They said that he is absent due to scheduling conflicts. I meant that I don't expect him to have more than his 2-3 minutes and it's looking doubtful for season 7. There was a story about him in the Wall St Journal last week where he revealed he's moving back to England