
Their mistake was pushing all of the PR around it before the finale. They told any media outlet who would listen about how great it was going to be, that the the two would be together in the finale and how happy fans were going to be with the scene. I don't understand why they called so much attention to it if they

Cameos is the perfect way to describe what has happened. Since they seem hell bent on going that route, I could tolerate it better if there was some kind of true forward progress. Instead, watching an almost 50 year old woman flounder around in constant misery and take comfort in booze over and over is not compelling.

The last few weeks have felt like they knew they had to air something to wrap up a forgettable season… but whether what they created made any sense or was true to the standards of the show did not appear to matter. Diane and Cary have been so shortchanged as have pretty much anyone not named Alicia and even her story

Yes..a damn shame on so many fronts.

Thank you!..It's stumbles like that which have me so curious about how and why this show fell so hard so fast. The pathetic paralegal one tonight is another..silly plots.

With the ratings down as they are, it is starting to look like next season may be a 13 episode order that they could air in the fall, mid-season or spring which could allow Matthew Goode to do both shows. But, after basically spending a year on the bench (with practically everyone else), would his role even be worth

Ouch..The Good Wife scored its lowest ratings ever.. a 0.9 in the demo with 8.3M. Kalinda/AP gets a little justice, I guess. Please be a wake up call for season 7 that the current formula of the Alicia Florrick show in isolation isn't working..spread the wealth a little..viewers liked seeing Diane, Cary, etc, too. It

In recent interviews, the Kings stated that the big questions of the season would be answered and they would be resolving all of the "hanging chads" as they like to call them by the finale. I struggle to see how that happens but even if it somehow does, it doesn't really make the continuity issues okay. When watching

It was a little better than it has been but It felt like a peace offering to fans to me, i.e. here's a run of the mill case of the week with a somewhat reformed Alicia as an attempt to draw viewers back in. It felt a little strange actually seeing Alicia back in the courtroom. I miss the ensemble aspect of the show

I was rather surprised by how fast Peter ditched Alicia as soon as the press conference ended. He was burning rubber down that hallway..possible guilty conscience at play? If so, surely he had to also anticipate that the firm and its clients might also have an issue with damaged goods Alicia and the possibility that

Yes..it's been on such a downward spiral. There are occasional glimpses of the former quality but overall, it's not entertaining to watch right now. Every story feels half-hearted and bare bones to me - as if parts are missing. I know the Kings are developing a new show for CBS - was someone else mostly running things?

It's more about making the politically expedient choice with the power players.. for himself or for her..when pushed as the Dems were doing to them. Her stock also fell a lot with her scandal. Eli told her that she was falling out of favor with the public so her value is less to him now than before.

I like this idea but I am not sure how she can reverse things with the election board at this point. It would be nice to see something light a fire in her seeing as how she is often so "flat" and ambivalent to what is happening around her unless she is angry.

I tend to agree with that and the Olivia Pope option was the right PR move, i.e. to shut the whole thing down as soon as possible before even more of his own past scandals erupted. GOV trumps SA in this case.

I believe losing over 3.5 million live viewers over the course of the season prompted them to scramble to try to fix it, thus, something had to happen to take away her win and rebuild Alicia. They took a gamble but the SA campaign, Alicia's moral descent and the lack of courtroom drama just didn't sell.

Exactly..they're always pragmatic about what needs to be done..they're long game thinkers re: benefits and consequences..so much so that I have trouble believing that neither of them knew what might be coming once Alicia dug in her heels. Peter, the political animal, wins again.

Having seen Matthew Goode's body of work, it's a shame that TGW isn't on cable as we won't catch a glance of that nice tush. Realistically, Downton will likely provide the only action in that area albeit in G rated fashion. As dull as I find the current stories, a little Goode action would have gone a long way in

Ouch..7.7 million viewers and the 1.0 demo..the show has really turned off viewers. Hope this is a wake up call for next season as this one is already in the can. If viewers hate the politics and SA story, how are they going to fix it if she stays in office?

Without an actual client to relate to, hate, be intrigued by, etc, I find I watch as neutral observer rather than someone emotionally invested in the outcome. This is compounded by the issue that the primary characters rarely interact, work together or even argue over strategy or approaches now. So many details or big

Viewers and the media were asking what happened because they spent the fall building up the big tease with Alicia and Finn. Yet, when they come back after the holiday break, Alicia's kissing Elfman and Finn's out of the picture with no explanation. It's similar to how they didn't show Diane and Cary's concerns re: