
I miss Finn, too, not only for my own selfish Matthew Goode viewing pleasure, but it's also nice to occasionally see someone on the show that is not completely jaded and is still a decent person besides Grace and Prady…a little like Alicia of old. Given how erratic and uneven the show is now, I don't hold out any hope

I hope they don't expect the viewer to feel empathy for her which is how I feel they try to play it off. As if Alicia is someone we should still feel sorry for when she has plenty of money and influence (via her firm, clients and Peter) to do lots of other things that wouldn't require her to entirely sell her soul.

I suppose I see more similarities than differences. Particularly, now that both women are teetering into anti-heroine territory. With the one caveat being that Mary tends to recognize her less than stellar behavior much more than Alicia.

When Alicia doesn't get her way, she often acts that way. The two terms aren't mutually exclusive. I think both are strong women with quite a few character flaws.

Selfishly, I hope there's enough of Matthew Goode to go around for both ladies. I loved this quote from the NY Daily News about him: "But if he ever ended up juggling Alicia Florrick and Lady Mary Crawley at the same time, we're talking, at the very least, an Emmy for service above and beyond." Talk about two sharp

What if it's a Taming of the Shrew type of deal, would that make it ok? Lady Mary's my favorite but I would love to see the tables turned on her for a while. She needs a good challenge. I think Matthew Goode might be up to the task.

Snippy Robert amused me this week as he appeared to be aware of what is happening around him for once given his pouty quips.

I think I was still in a haze when it first came on that The Affair had just stolen The Good Wife's GG awards to realize what was happening. I called this topic last week here but didn't expect it to appear so soon. Figuring it would be an issue that Alicia would take on when she won the SA race. If these are the

It was such a delightfully different deviation from the formulaic fare we serve up here that I can't fault it for coincidentally bumping up too close to a hot topic. The same cynicism and PR spin cycle tactics on display in the show could be applied to almost any business vertical in our modern world. I enjoyed the

Love this post…her hypocrisy is taking center stage now. I doubt her smooch with Greasy will hit the press but how funny would it be if it did? Granted, it's not the same as sleeping with hookers, but airing a little of her dirty laundry and opening the kimono on the faux marriage could provide some entertainment.

Downton pulled in 10.1M viewers for the US Season 5 premiere. Great numbers considering how much content and commentary about it leaks here from the UK before it airs on PBS. If these numbers stick throughout season 5, a season 7 won't be out of the question unless the cast and writers are just done with it.

Gonna miss ya, Stu. True Carolina blue. As a fellow alum, you made us proud, personally and professionally.

Scandal watchers do..they had an episode about it last year.

You know it! Or Finn could score a big representation contract with the police union. If Alicia wins the election, they'd be in each others orbit frequently given the current political climate of scrutinizing police activity - which I am sure the Kings will borrow from the headlines and address on the show at some

Mainly, over kicking Peter's tail in the debate, I hope, because she had little to do with Cary's rescue. I get why she was happy for Cary but it's so bothersome to me that she had so little to do with any of it - except be the catalyst with Castro that started the whole mess. Her debate practice trumped rolling up

Downton Abbey will also be off when The Good Wife returns which is good for live viewing ratings because the two shows share the same primary viewing demo (50+).

The whole ending and the political parts of the show felt so like Scandal with better acting to me. Like I'd seen it before with Melly, Fitz and Olivia. I hope that Matthew Goode sticks around, too, but give the guy something or someone to do. I keep wondering if that's why he's (likely) jumping to Downton. In his

Maybe Cary bankrolls her escape when he learns about her exploits for him. They always trickle out eventually. It looked like he could easily fund a relocation for her.

I could roll with it if she was going for a random hook up guy but Elfmann is so greasy looking. Gag. Could they toss a little temptation Finn's way, too? No need for Matthew Goode's romantic talents to go to waste. Never thought his 4 minutes on Downton would have more heat than a year's worth of The Good Wife.

If so, that would be quite a shocker but can't imagine it getting that far. I could see the judge blowing up the Florricks and the firm in some way though - and it being a bonding moment for Alicia and Peter as icky as that sounds.