
I hear ya but I thought Finn would have had more going on this season than being Alicia's secret BFF. It must be somewhat odd stepping into two roles to replace or fill the gap left by two deceased and highly popular love interests. I hold out hope that he will continue to do both roles but his popularity is growing

I see. I am thinking Goode's leaning towards DA because he mentions leaving NYC to return to England this year in this recent New York Times article. He's very coy about his future but it reads like DA is more of sure thing than The Good Wife I can't really blame him considering how underutilized he has been on TGW

The biggest mystery for me is whether Matthew Goode will permanently join DA in season 6 and perk the show up a bit. Having seen a few clips, I hope so but not at the cost of his abandoning The Good Wife. Like most shows these days that come out of the gate strong but can't sustain the pace for more than a season or

True, but it is the viewers who care enough to share their opinion and they want decent Alicia and the case of the week format back. Given that the show always teeters so close to the cancellation edge, it makes me a little nervous about a S7 renewal. Hopefully, now that CBS is marketing the show as part of their

He has that Murder in the First show on cable that was renewed for season 2.

Geneva was also previously on the Bishop case for two years and could "never" bring him to trial on anything. So, it could be her or Castro. I didn't understand Castro's continued burning desire to convict Cary now that he's out of the race.

Do you think the new framework will stick? I only ask because I've seen tons of criticism about the new format of the show and the story lines, in particular, on Facebook and Twitter. It's made me curious regarding how much Les Moonves cares about such things coming from the general audience. Nothing as extreme as the

I think that's why I was surprisingly unmoved by their scene at the end. Her random pep talks and pats on the back didn't really do a lot for him. Nor did her considerable influence in political circles. Maybe it's because what kept her away is her campaign, which I find so annoying and unbelievable.

I was rather surprised about how flippant Eli was if Cary was convicted. He knows how knee deep Alicia is in with Bishop from past dealings and the PAC. Forget affairs, given the nature of the race, if I was her opponent and my nemesis was so closely connected to a drug lord, my focus would be digging around that

Believe it or not, here in Raleigh, only the second most educated city in the US with our friends over in Durham at number 3, we do have interests beyond Nascar and Paula Deen. We are also more of a purple state and share much of the political angst and ugliness being explored on TGW.

It would be nice to see things from Finn's perspective to get his take on things. I am not sure how much he knows about the Florick's marriage but I suspect, he knows about the affair with Will. It appears to be an open secret within the legal circles.

If she was enthusiastic about the SA job, I could buy that it might be worth the sacrifices and the fake marriage. However, Alicia comes across as totally miserable on all fronts. Call me a sap but it's sad to watch and confusing as her motivations are unclear.

Do you think Finn will opt in as the on the side boyfriend? The later scene in her office kind of suggested that he wasn't too keen on the secrecy stuff. If so, having Alicia make such a choice would be a nice surprise even if politics will likely win out. Unless Peter opts out of the marriage which I could see

So, Finn must be rather poor, too, since he just left a similar job as Cary's former role. I doubt that we will see that he lives in a dumpy apt that would have aligned his public service salary. Can't really see Alicia getting involved with a poor guy who couldn't afford nice wine. His "make some money" comment of